4: We are quick to see errors in the lives of others. With a large problem in our own life, we will take it upon ourselves to fix someone else. Oddly enough, others are more likely to come to us with their problems if we are good a keeping the beams out of our own eyes. Daily…
3: So often we are tempted to ignore our own faults. It is a result of sinful human ego. We generally think of ourselves as better than others. A mote is, of course, quite small, whereas a beam is so large as to be hard to miss. Daily Bible Reading: Isaiah 2:1-5:30 Daily Memory Verse:…
2: This verse is meant to restate and clarify the previous one. The standard by which you judge others will be the standard used for you. It is thus safest to judge others only when absolutely necessary, and then only by the perfect measure of God’s Word. Caution in our judgment of others will bring mercy upon…
1: This has to be one of the most misunderstood verses in all of scripture. It has been quoted time and time again by those who are trying to obfuscate their own guilt. It is assumed that this verse means that all judging, of any fashion whatsoever, is to be avoided completely. Such an interpretation is, obviously,…
34: Anxiety over what shall be tomorrow betrays a lack of faith in the One Who holds today in His hand. Tomorrow is His property. He alone holds the keys to the future. Many, who would try to know the future by questionable means, are trying to unlock a secret purposely withheld from them. Our perception of,…
33: We must keep Almighty God, and His desires for this world, at the forefront of our minds. This is literally what Jesus means in this passage. The will of the Father, and the holiness that He would place within us, are to come before food, shelter, clothing, and other basic needs. Jesus is here…
31: As long as we are alive, these things will seem to press in around us. The daily needs that we have weigh heavily on our minds. However, Jesus would have us to avoid constant anxiety. There is more to life than that. So, he is not saying you should not plan your next meal, but that…
28: We seldom take the time to consider something as simple and common as the lilies that grow in the wild. And yet, one of the first things Almighty God did in this world was to plant a garden. Thus, our anxiety over such a thing as clothing seems quite silly when we consider how…
27: Although it has been speculated that this verse could be better understood with ‘stature’ translated differently, the presence of the word ‘cubit’ seems to work against that. Thus, it is best to leave the text as it is. However, that said, Jesus may have been referring to more than height in this illustration. Most people don’t…
26: This is not to say that the agrarian lifestyle is evil. It is not wrong to sow and reap, and gather into barns. However, the birds of the air are fed by God Almighty as they stay busy about their daily tasks. In other words, they do not trust in a storehouse of provisions, but in…