10: Jesus here compares the faith of this Gentile with the faith of the Jews. There was a great difference between the two. Daily Bible Reading: Ezekiel 24:1-27:36 Daily Memory Verse: Jude 1:19 “These be they who separate themselves, sensual, having not the Spirit.” Daily Tidbit: The prophet Ezekiel lost his wife during the time…
9: The centurion understood what many people miss. Almighty God puts things all around us that help us understand him. All of the concepts that we see in the world around us help to show us how God thinks, and what he is capable of. Daily Bible Reading: Ezekiel 22:1-23:49 Daily Memory Verse: Jude 1:19…
8: At first glance, we may think that the centurion’s words here were not genuine. But, we see by the response of Christ that the centurion was quite honest. He truly felt unworthy of Christ. What a contrast with so many who feel Christ is not worthy of them! They who shun salvation reject Christ…
7: Jesus, obviously, already knew what this centurion would say in response to these words. So, why then did Jesus say he would come, when he knew the centurion would say he didn’t need to? There were occasions on which Jesus did not go to the location of the need, but healed from a distance. Why does…
6: Notice here the care afforded this man’s servant. Many might fail to love their servants as well as this centurion. Indeed, those who have employees would do well to emulate this level of concern for the centurion’s servant. Daily Bible Reading: Ezekiel 14:1-16:63 Daily Memory Verse: Jude 1:18 “How that they told you there…
5: This is one of my favorite stories about Jesus. He is for everyone. He does not just help some of us, he helps all of us. This centurion was a Gentile. He had a simple faith in Christ that was very refreshing. So many try to over-complicate life and fail to see the plain illustrations…
4: The interesting phrase in this verse comes at the end. Although Jesus did not want the man to tell the general population, he wanted a testimony brought before the priests. He wanted his miracles seen as what they were, fulfillment of prophecy, not simply amazing wonders. Others might have claimed to heal, but Jesus presents proof. Daily…
I am going to take a ten-day break from computers. As a result, I will not be posting my notes during this time. The break will extend from tomorrow (the 1st) to Monday (the 10th). I will resume my normal posting on the 11th, unless the Lord comes back first.During this time I will be…
3: The manner in which Jesus healed people was never a requirement. He could heal without touching someone. He could heal people over great distances. But, in this case, he touched the leper. One cannot help but think that Jesus did this for purely illustrative reasons. Leprosy is an illustration of sin. So, if Jesus…
2: This man, though greatly debilitated by his disease, and marked by it, had great faith. He worshiped the Lord Jesus, so he understood Who He is. Then, we are told that he expressed his belief in Christ’s ability. The only thing he seemed to have doubt about was Jesus’ willingness to help. There was no room…