And the second came, saying, ‘Lord, your Mina has earned five Minas.’ Luke 19:18 In our human thinking we will read this passage and say, ‘Too bad the second servant only earned five minas.’ But Jesus doesn’t say that. Yes the master gives this servant less responsibility. But he is still happy with the servant’s…
And he said to him, ‘Well done, good servant. Because you have been faithful in the trivial, you will have authority over ten cities.’ Luke 19:17 As humans we find it difficult to be faithful in the most mundane of circumstances. Glamor and popularity can make it easier to be consistent. But it is in…
The first came, saying, ‘Lord, your Mina has earned ten Minas.’ Luke 19:16 This is meant to be understood as a lifetime of earning. This servant had not produced such a return overnight. But with careful and studious attention over the course of time, the benefit was earned. Heavenly Father, thank You for the gifts…
And it happened upon his return from receiving the kingdom, that he commanded these servants to be summoned (the ones he had given the silver to) so that he might thoroughly examine them to know how they had faired. Luke 19:15 This is a perfectly reasonable course of action. There is nothing here to indicate…
But his citizens hated him, and sent an ambassador after him, saying, ‘We do not want this man as king over us.’ Luke 19:14 These citizens would represent the Jewish people. Though a great number of Jews individually accepted Christ, the nation as a whole rejected Him. This is a sad commentary, but the Jewish…
And he called ten of his servants and granted to them ten Minas, and said to them, ‘Do business until I arrive.’ Luke 19:13 The Jewish people were entrusted with the Oracles of God. But the application of the meaning here need not be limited to what the Lord entrusted to them. All of God’s…
Therefore, He said, ‘This noble man travelled to a distant country to receive to himself a kingdom, and to return.’ Luke 19:12 This great man represents Christ Himself. He goes out among the Gentiles to Garner a people for His Name while the Jews wait for His return. It is a fitting backdrop for this,…
And as the men heard these thing He proceeded to tell them a parable because He was near Jerusalem and because the men thought the kingdom of God was about to appear at once. Luke 19:11 Messiah’s popping up here and there was a common occurrence in Christ’s day. The timing for the appearance of…
For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the perishing. Luke 19:10 This world is dying! That is reality. We are surrounded every day by broken, dying, people. Life was not created to be like this. There is a problem to solve. And it is a very specific problem. We need LIFE.…
And Jesus said to him, ‘Today salvation has come to this house, because he is also a son of Abraham.’ Luke 19:9 This is a very unique verse. Note well the fact that Jesus says this ‘to’ Zacchaeus. However, because He refers to Zacchaeus in the third person we know that He is also speaking…