Category: Uncategorized

  • Luke 1:77 “To give knowledge of salvation to His people by the remission of their sins,”    This is very important to understand. The knowledge of salvation is very valuable, and very important. Many of the Jews in the time of Christ knew this. But, many of them based this knowledge on the wrong things.…

  • Luke 1:76 “And you, child, will be called the prophet of the Highest;For you will go before the face of the Lord to prepare His ways,”    The ministry of John was the confirmation of the identity of Jesus as the Messiah. And yet, the Jews as a whole failed to understand. How is that…

  • Luke 1:75 “In holiness and righteousness before Him all the days of our life.”    The greatest dream of the true child of God is to serve. And it is to serve before Him all the days of one’s life. Often people have the idea that service for the Lord is only a requirement because…

  • Luke 1:74 “To grant us that we, Being delivered from the hand of our enemies, Might serve Him without fear,”    Do not frustrate the timing and purpose of the Lord. The promise to Abraham does indeed involve freedom from the fear of man. To serve without fear is the great desire of our hearts.…

  • Luke 1:73 “The oath which He swore to our father Abraham:”    What exactly does it mean that the Lord ‘swore’ an oath? Swearing is bad. We call it cussing or cursing. That’s not the kind of swearing meant here obviously. But what is being said? Well, an oath, which in this case refers to…

  • I am going to take a sabbatical from posting for a few weeks. My wife and I are having our fourth child, and I am much busier than usual as a result. I will resume when I can, the Lord willing.

  • Luke 1:72 “To perform the mercy promised to our fathers and to remember His holy covenant,”    Our God is indeed a God of mercy! What He has said He will do. The covenant He made with Abraham is what is meant here. He refers not to the covenant with the Jewish people at the…

  • Luke 1:71 “That we should be saved from our enemies and from the hand of all who hate us,”    Zacharias wasn’t confused. The Lord will save His people from their enemies. Indeed, all of the people of the Lord, Jew and Gentile alike, will be delivered.   Jesus secured a spiritual victory at Calvary. But…

  • Luke 1:70 “As He spoke by the mouth of His holy prophets, who have been since the world began,”    Though there is a certain time of Jewish history that we would refer to as the time of the prophets, the prophets were not limited to this era. Nor were the prophets all Jewish. Just…

  • Luke 1:69 “And has raised up a horn of salvation for usIn the house of His servant David,”    It has always been amazing to me that the Jews do not try to set up a king again. However, there are many reasons why they do not. One is that the religious and political condition…