Category: Uncategorized

  • Ascending

    And He said these things, going ahead, He ascended into Jerusalem. Luke 19:28 This trip into Jerusalem was a significant one. Jesus knew it, and others caught on. But nobody other than Jesus realized its full meaning or importance at the time. And Jesus knew this would be the case. He went ahead anyhow. Heavenly…

  • Those Enemies

    But, those enemies of mine, who did not want me to reign over them, bring here, and slaughter them in my presence. Luke 19:27 To understand what is being said here we must remember that in this parable the master is meant to represent the Lord Himself. There will be many who reject Christ outright…

  • ‘For I say to you that to everyone who has will be given, and he who has not, even what he has will be taken from him.’ Luke 19:26 What kind of doublespeak is this? Does he have or does he not have? What is the Lord saying here? Rewind a bit. This servant was…

  • He has Ten

    But they said to him, ‘Lord, he has ten Minas.’ Luke 19:25 Oh the assumptions we make when we don’t understand something! The master’s attendants would rather assume his memory was faulty than to assume he knew exactly what he was doing. Humanity often has the same problem with God. We make a lot of…

  • Take the Mina

    And to th attendants he said, ‘Take the Mina from him, and give it to him who has ten Minas.’ Luke 19:24 The unsuccessful servant lost the Mina he had. The choice to give it to the servant with ten Minas was all on the part of the master. But it is consistent with what…

  • Why Not

    “Why then would you not have given my money to the bank, that when I came I might perchance have it with interest?” Luke 19:23 The bank would have been a relatively safe place to keep the money as well. Yet, the benefit of the bank was the potential for interest. The servant hardly would…

  • Evil Servant

    And he said, ‘Out of your own mouth I will judge you, evil servant. Because you had known that I am an austere man, taking up what I did not lay down and reaping what I did not sow;’ Luke 19:22 This servant’s knowledge only made him that much more culpable. It revealed the effort…

  • An Austere Man

    For I was afraid of you because you are an austere man, taking up what you did not lay down, and reaping what you did not sow. Luke 19:21 This is one of those verses that can cause confusion if one is not careful. To be austere did not necessarily imply that this master was…

  • In a Cloth

    Then another came and said, ‘Lord, look, this is your Mina, which I have reserved in a cloth.’ Luke 19:20 There are those times in our lives when we say things that do not even make sense to us when we say them. But there are also those who think their own intentions are always…

  • Authority

    And also he said to this one, ‘You will be over five cities.’ Luke 19:19 Authority is an interesting concept in Scripture. Here this servant is given the five cities to have ‘authority’ over. Does this mean dictatorial / monarchical type rule? No, that is not consistent with what we know of Scripture. Instead the…