Category: Uncategorized

  • Blessed is He

    saying, ‘Blessed be the King Who comes in the Name of the Lord! Peace in heaven and glory in the highest!’ Luke 19:38 And we can but say, Amen! The crowd had the right idea. They were not wrong here. But they were a minority. Heavenly Father, You are worthy of glory and Your reign…

  • And as He was already drawing close to the descent of the Mount of Olives, the whole multitude of the disciples began to rejoice, praising God with a loud voice for the mighty works which they had seen, Luke 19:37 This is one of those verses you need to use your imagination for. Picture yourself…

  • As He went out, many spread their coats on the road. Luke 19:36 The many people referred to here would be Jesus’s immediate group of 12 disciples, plus His larger group of disciples, and also some of the people from the surrounding area. These all either recognized what was happening or realized it when others…

  • Right Away

    Then they brought him to Jesus. And they cast their own coats on the colt, setting Jesus on him. Luke 19:35 Notice at this point we move to automatic action. Jesus did not have to give any further instructions. His disciples understood the significance of this situation. They had asked Jesus when He would set…

  • And they said, ‘The Lord has need of him.’ Luke 19:34 The Lord needs nothing in the sense that He is dependent upon nobody. But, He has made all things, and He may have need of anything or anyone He chooses. What delight we can find in being needed by Him! Heavenly Father, thank You…

  • But as they were loosing the colt, his owners said to them, ‘Why are you loosing the colt?’ Luke 19:33 The owners of the colt say exactly what Jesus said they would. They do not forbid the disciples immediately, but instead only inquire about their purpose. Heavenly Father, thank You for today and for Your…

  • Found

    And going, those who were sent found just what He had said. Luke 19:32 How often are we surprised to find that God’s Word is accurate? Sometimes even the oldest saints are still caught of guard by the simplicity of the gospel. Heavenly Father, You are wise beyond all our imagination. You can show us…

  • If Anyone Asks

    And if anyone asks, ‘Why are you untying him?’, answer him thus, ‘Because the Lord has need of him.’ Luke 19:31 The wording here is suggestive. Jesus not only knew when the owners of the colt would inquire, but He knew exactly what they would say. He also knew that the statement He shares here…

  • Untamed

    Saying, ‘Go into the village before you, and upon entering you will find a colt tied up, on which a man never has sat. Untie him and bring him here.’ Luke 19:30 The omniscience of the Lord is obvious here. Even if He had known about the colt from previous trips, He could not have…

  • Olivet

    And it happened, as he came into Bethphage and Bethany, to what is called ‘The Mount of Olives’, He sent two of His disciples, Luke 19:29 One of the interesting things in Bible study is the translation of names. Bethphage, for example, is a transliteration. The Mount of Olives is a translation. If we transliterated…