But when one stronger than he attacks and overpowers him, he takes from him all his weapons, he trusted in, and divides up his plunder. Luke 11:22 The strong man may protect his house very well. But, when faced with a stronger adversary, even he will be conquered. Thus it is with Satan. Jesus is…
When a strong man, fully armed, guards his estate, his possessions are secure. Luke 11:22 Jesus is here illustrating the position of the powers of the air in this word. They are strong by the world’s standards, and hold their territory with strength. The devil has possession of this world for the time being. However,…
If I drive out demons by the finger of God, then the kingdom of God has come upon you. Luke 11:20 Jesus was preparing to teach His hearers some things about demons. But before that, He makes a very important statement. He was not just a prophet. He was not just one of the many…
And if I drive out demons by Beelzebul, who is it your sons drive them out by? For this reason they will be your judges. Luke 11:19 Jesus is using the classic ‘you can’t have your cake and eat it too’ argument. There were those among the Jews who practiced exorcism. Jesus doesn’t comment here…
If Satan also is divided against himself, how will his kingdom stand? For you say I drive out demons by Beelzebul. Luke 11:18 Jesus is not here telling us that excorcism is always proof that someone is on the right side of things. There have surely been some fakes and phonies down through history. But,…
Knowing their thoughts, he told them, ‘Every kingdom divided against itself is headed for destruction, and a house divided against itself falls.’ Luke 11:17 Don’t ever miss the significance of the first few words of this verse. So-called mind reading is a cheap trick. But, this was the real deal. Indeed, on several occasions in…
And others, as a test, were demanding of him a sign from heaven. Luke 11:16 These folks were not asking for a miracle. Jesus had performed lots of those. This was a specific request. They were looking for something like Moses’s manna or Elijah’s fire. However, these signs from above had not been provided because…
But some of them said, ‘He drives out demons by Beelzebul, the ruler of the demons.’ Luke 11:15 Critics are everywhere! False prophets abound! The jealousy of the Jewish leadership over the success of Christ was very strong. But, there was more to it than that. There was a theological issue at stake. If they…
Now he was driving out a demon that was mute. When the demon came out, the man who had been mute spoke, and the crowds were amazed. Luke 11:14 I am sure many will wonder the same thing I do about this. A mute demon? What’s up with that? The powers of darkness are all…
If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will the heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him? Luke 11:13 We hear a lot of the teaching of this passage repeated. Ask and you shall receive. Request what you want from God.…