Category: Uncategorized

  • Spies

    So they watched Him, sending spies who pretended to be righteous, that they should catch His words, in order to betray Him to the jurisdiction and power of the governor. Luke 20:20 This may have cost something. If nothing else, it is par for the course for a religious group with political power. They had…

  • And the chief priests and the scribes sought to lay hands on Him in that same hour, and they were afraid; for they understood that He had spoken this parable against them. Luke 20:19 The Jewish leaders were afraid that Christ might act upon what they saw as a very direct threat. And indeed, He…

  • That Stone

    Whoever falls on that stone will be broken, but on whomever it falls, he will be crushed like powder and blown away. Luke 20:18 Jesus is referencing many words of the prophets here. The second part of the verse especially refers back to Daniel chapter two. Those who fall on that stone are those who…

  • But, looking intently at them, He said, ‘What therefore is this that is written: The stone that was rejected by the builders, it has been made the head of the corner?’ Luke 20:17 This is one of the interpretive questions Jesus asks the Jewish leaders. And it is particularly pointed in this context. He intends…

  • He will come and destroy those tenant farmers and give the vineyard to others. But when they heard it they said, ‘No, certainly not!’ Luke 20:16 Careful comparison of Matthew 21:40-42, Mark 12:9-10, and Luke 20:15-17 reveals a difficult interpretive challenge. Indeed, many commentaries and ‘harmonies’ of the gospels choose to skip right over it.…

  • And they drove him out of the vineyard, and killed him. What then, shall the lord of the vineyard do to them? Luke 20:15 The way Jesus asks this question implies that the patience of the vineyard owner could reasonably stop here. But yet, we know it was by the very act of sending His…

  • The Heir

    But when the tenants saw him, they considered it among themselves, saying, “This is the heir. Come, let us kill him that the inheritance may be ours.” Luke 20:14 Their conclusion was ridiculous. But what could be expected from these, who were so unscrupulous to begin with? They simply made their evil intentions absolutely clear…

  • Perhaps

    So the lord of the vineyard said, “What shall I do? I will send my dear son. Perhaps when they see him they will respect him.” Luke 20:13 This single ‘Perhaps’ is, perhaps, the most inexplicable word in the entire history of the world itself. From our perspective as humans it seems incredibly obvious that…

  • Injured

    Again, he sent the third, but they injured him and drove him away. Luke 20:12 After three times in this parable, the intention of the tenant farmers is obvious. But the Lord has, in reality, been even more patient with humanity. Heavenly Father, so often I am reminded of how little I am. We are…

  • He went ahead and sent another servant, and that one they beat and shamed, sending him away empty-handed. Luke 20:11 The second attempt is made and rejected. It is very important to understand that God deals with us in accordance with the course of human history. Time is linear in Scripture and His interactions with…