Devotional Commentary

The Second Brother

And the second took the wife, and he died childless. Luke 20:30 This is where the Sadducees story begins to take on its true nature. Though theoretically possible, it is not very likely that this scenario actually happened. At the level of the second or third brother might be plausible, but all seven is a […]

The First Brother

There were seven brothers; and, the first born took a wife, and died childless. Luke 20:29 At this point the story of the Sadducees is clear and is something that may have happened regularly in Israel at the time. Many sons was very desirable and not uncommon. Heavenly Father, thank You for Your revelation of […]


Saying, ‘Teacher, Moses wrote to us that if a man’s brother dies having a wife, and the brother dies childless, that he should take his brother’s wife and raise up descendants for his brother.’ Luke 20:28 This command comes from Deuteronomy 25:5-10 and the Sadducees are not incorrect up to this point. Heavenly Father, You […]


Then some of the Sadducees, who speak against there being a resurrection, approached to put a question to Him, Luke 20:27 The Sadducees were different from the Pharisees. For all the things Jesus had to say about the Pharisees, the Sadducees were even further from the truth due to their interpretations of Scripture. They rejected […]

Being Silent

And they were not able to catch Him in his words in the presence of the people. And, being silent, they marvelled at His answer. Luke 20:26 Being silent is an exercise all of humanity could use practice at. Of course, these folks were silent simply because they had no idea what to say. It […]

Pay Back God

And He said to them, ‘Pay back the things that are Caesar’s to Caesar, and the things that are God’s to God.’ Luke 20:25 The sagacity of Christ filled the air. Everyone had a speechless moment as His words sunk in. But maybe there is a message here that still gets missed. The word translated […]

A Denarius

Show a denarius to me; whose image and inscription does it have? And, answering, they said, ‘Ceasar’s.’ Luke 20:24 Elementary. Everyone knew what a Denarius looked like. Jesus was emphasizing the obvious nature of His upcoming answer. Heavenly Father, You are powerful and wonderful! I will always be singing Your praises. You alone understand us. […]

Why Test

But He, considering their trickery, said to them, ‘Why do you test me?’ Luke 20:23 It was no task at all for Jesus to see through their intentions. He could have hidden the fact that He knew what they were doing. But here He gives us the example of how to handle the underhanded. Heavenly […]


Is it lawful for us to give tribute to Caesar, or not? Luke 20:22 The question was meant to be the ultimate trap. They hoped that He would say no, because then they could take that to Pilate. They also hoped He would say yes, because that would presumably not be popular with the people. […]


And they asked Him, saying, ‘Teacher, we know that you correctly speak and teach, and do not show partiality, but teach the way of God truly.’ Luke 20:21 This was, of course, completely disingenuous. These spies were not even good flatteters! They went way overboard, and though Jesus could read their minds, He didn’t have […]