Category: Uncategorized

  • 10: It is said here that Jesus had something to say to those who were making these comments once he ‘understood’ it. Does this mean that he was unaware of their words? Was he limited and unable to know their thoughts at this time? On the contrary, it does not say when he ‘heard’ what…

  • Matthew 21:1-11, Mark 11:1-11, Luke 19:29-44, John 12:12-19 Many Jews today would argue that their Messiah has never come. They would say that he has yet to fulfill the prophesies of the Old Testament. Those who are still orthodox look each year for his arrival. The rest are, by and large, so far beyond hoping…

  • Matthew 26:8-9

    8: Judas was the source of this line of reasoning. It seems that many, if not all, of the disciples went along with his logic, no matter how little sense it made. They saw this flagrant use of such valuable perfume as a great waste. Jesus did not smell badly. Why did he need all…

  • Matthew 26:7

    7: The woman here is Mary of Bethany, sister of Lazarus and Martha. In addition to his head, she anointed his feet. The alabaster box was commonly used for perfume. However, this was among the finest of perfumes on the planet. It was worth more than common folk could expect to save up in several…

  • Matthew 26:6

    6: This section about the dinner at Simon’s house is a flashback to the previous Sabbath, the day before Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem on a colt. It is here to show that Judas had already gone to the chief priests at this point. Neither he, nor the Jewish leaders, knew, as Jesus had said, that…

  • Matthew 26:3-5

    3: The scribes were doctors of the law. The chief priests were evidently those chosen to be in the Sanhedrin. The elders were Hebrew civil magistrates. Thus all three made up more or less the whole of the Great Sanhedrin, which was the ruling body of the Jews at that time. The meeting was held…

  • Matthew 26:1-2

    1: Jesus completed the Olivet Discourse and turned to the prediction of events sooner in God’s timetable.2: According to Jesus, it was at that time two days until the passover. This places the statement he makes on Wednesday, April 1st, A.D. 33, the 12th of Nisan in the Hebrew Calendar. This was well known to…

  • 42-44: The answer of the goats quickly shows two things. First, they have absolutely no idea what Jesus is talking about. This would be consistent with those who are influenced by the antichrist. They would have no cause to see Christ in need because they would have no cause to see the true Christ at…

  • 10: Violence here is a very strong word used to solicit a strong reaction to those who would commit such atrocity against a brother. This brings great shame upon an otherwise proud people. They have been cut off in that there is not an Edomite (Idumaean) national presence today.11: The Edomites took sides with the…

  • 40: The big issue which comes immediately to the forefront here is works-based salvation. Jesus commends the sheep for what they have done and says nothing of what they have believed. Does this prove that salvation is by works alone? Notice what is said. These works are done for Jewish people in the time of…