Category: Uncategorized

  • 24: The fact that Jesus would die on the coming day was already established. God had predetermined it, promised it, and prophesied it. The betrayer is still at fault, however. This shows the balance between Divine will and human will. God has determined the way of things in this evil world, but will offer mercy to each…

  • Matthew 26:23

    23: There were dishes near each group of men there. In other words, he was not referring to one dish that they all dipped into. Instead, there might have been only two or three that dipped in this same dish. Thus, this would have narrowed things down considerably. This fulfills prophecy in that one who…

  • 21: During the meal there would be very specific foods and an order in which things were to be done. Therefore Jesus words, besides being surprising by themselves, would have come as a bolt out of the blue. Of course, Judas would ultimately have betrayed Christ anyway. But, Jesus words set the ball rolling. He instigated the timing,…

  • 18: It has been suggested that Jesus had already made contact with this man he mentions. Although he may have met the man, it seems very unlikely that he had already contacted him about the Passover in particular. This is yet another example of Jesus’ omniscience. He knew what this particular man’s response would be,…

  • 17: The beginning of the Feast of Unleavened Bread would have taken place on Friday, the 3rd of April, A.D. 33, the 14th of Nisan in the Hebrew Calendar. This was referred to as the Day of Preparation. This day would have begun on the evening of Thursday by Jewish reckoning. Thus, this verse occurs on Thursday evening, the…

  • Isaiah 53

    1: These rhetorical questions are not meant to be answered in the text. Instead, they point out the fact that many will not believe the reports concerning the Christ. Many will miss what the Lord has done. However, though not intended for an answer here, these questions must be answered in the life of every…

  • 15: Judas, though despicable, was shrewd enough to realize that the chief priests lacked not ability, but opportunity, to catch Jesus. This is why his offer is to ‘deliver’ him. Judas may have figured that since they were bound to get him sometime either way, he could stand to make a profit this way. Judas…

  • 14: It is after the anointing of Jesus by Mary, and Jesus’ response to Judas comments concerning it, that Judas begins his betrayal. He was one of Jesus twelve disciples, and he is called Judas Iscariot to delineate him from the other Judas in the group. The meaning of the name ‘Iscariot’ is too obscure…

  • 13: This has to be one of the coolest verses in the Bible. Not only is it more futuristic than the latest science fiction, it is also the best comeback to to a snub that has ever been conceived. Jesus does so many things all at once in this verse that a list is in…

  • 11: Jesus sets forth a very important principle here, which could easily be missed. It is not enough to do good for the sake of doing good. One must do good because of he who is good. Good is to be done to one’s fellow because he is the creation of God, who is good.…