Category: Uncategorized

  • 71: Peter moves to the porch. This was a smaller area near the door of the house. Here he was not able to warm himself by the fire, but probably hoped to be alone. Being there a long time, it came to be that another woman saw him and made a comment to the others…

  • 69: Peter was sitting with the servants and others in the courtyard of the home of the high priest. Matthew says he was ‘without,’ which simply meant that he was not in the section that Jesus was in. The courtyard was in the lower portion of the house, whereas Jesus was with the Jewish leaders in…

  • 65: Surely the ripping of the high priests garment was more a formality than a reaction. He could hardly have been surprised at the answer he received. He announced his accusation of blashphemy as if there was no other possible reaction. For the Jews as a whole, it seems without doubt, that the accepted Messiah will have to do…

  • 63: The question of the high priest was designed to trap Jesus in his words once and for all. Calling upon Jesus to testify against himself would be illegal in most places, though not necessarily here. He charges Jesus to tell him the truth under oath, knowing that Jesus would never lie.64: Jesus did not hesitate. Hesitation would suggest fear,…

  • 58: To his credit, Peter did follow his Lord. However, his desire was to see the outcome, not to be tried with him. With the assistance of John, who knew the high priest personally, he entered the courtyard of Caiaphas’ house. This is how he ended up sitting with the servants.59: The entire Sanhedrin was intently engaged…

  • 55: Although Jesus remained silent during much of his trial, we see here that his silence was by choice, not out of necessity. He had plenty to say to the leaders of this band that came to arrest him. He brings their sin to light by pointing out their desire for secrecy. Indeed, they had…

  • 51: Where Peter came into possession of a sword cannot be said in particular. However, it is not beyond reason to think that he had procured it for just such an occasion. The most likely scenario is that he got it earlier that day when he and John we slaying the Passover lamb for their supper…

  • 49: Judas greets Jesus as if nothing is wrong. Indeed, his ‘kiss’ was more than the customary greeting. The word choice reveals that Judas embraced Christ and kissed him. This would only be done to someone who was the closest of friends. It only serves to make Judas’ betrayal that much more wicked.50: Jesus uses…

  • 45: Jesus comes again to find his sleeping disciples. This time he allows them to sleep, and wakes them only to say that the time for his betrayal into the hands of others was coming soon. Jesus had complete knowledge of the timing of these events.46: Just before the arrival of Judas, Jesus gathers his…

  • 43: Jesus returned the second time, finding them asleep. That their eyes were heavy simply means that they were sleepy. It was quite late. He does not rouse them this time.44: Jesus prayed his prayer three times. We are given the substance of his prayer, but not likely the complete wording. He prayed the same…