11: It is quickly forgotten that the Sermon on the Mount contains such verses as this. This verse, among others, reminds us that this is not just a message for mankind in general. But, instead, it addresses a specific group who will identify themselves with the Lord Jesus Christ. The key of this verse is…
10: Righteousness, produced in one’s life by Almighty God, will bring persecution in one form or another. It is only to be expected that those who see a quality in the righteous that they themselves do not possess will be mad about it. Indeed, though many would deny it, godly righteousness produced in the lives…
9: Peacemakers, in their best form, are those who understand the peace of God. Knowing the peace that he can bring to our souls is very helpful when it comes to making peace with and among others. Jesus has just this kind of people in mind. Not those who simply seek any form of peace they may…
8: The pure in heart are those who have genuine righteousness. They seek not to be justified by some good work. Nor are they vain actors who only look to be holy. They have appropriated the righteousness that God has made available to them. Jesus has this same theme throughout this sermon. The righteousness that…
7: The merciful here refers to those who have mercy as their constant companion. This is not that group that is merciful for a show of self-promotion. That is not true mercy. No, this is that group of men and women who naturally care for the state of others. They are always mindful of other…
6: Of course, to hunger and thirst after something implies a lack of it. Those who have such an attitude towards righteousness do not flatter themselves with the pretense of possessing it. Instead, they afflict their souls with a constant desire for it that is as strong as the most basic of needs. Many do not see…
4: Those who morn seem to be those who are bereaved. However, in the context, it could also mean those who are repentant, morning over sin. Either way, it has the same bottom line meaning. Christ is here saying that those who recognize and mourn over the trouble that is in this world through sin will…
2: It is said here that Jesus taught his disciples. It must be said that this particular discourse is the finest and most influential piece of instruction ever to be delivered. It is the most well-known message of the most well-known speaker ever to speak on planet earth. And, observe now how it starts.3: The…
1: It is likely that Jesus went to a higher place not to escape the multitude, but to let them all hear better. However, those who could be called his disciples came yet closer to him. This is always the pattern. Those who are the most interested in the truth will go to the front…
25: We often miss the fact that quite a number of people followed Jesus early on. This is a large region mentioned here, from which many people came. Personal Journal Entry #12140Prayer Journal Entry #12140Daily Bible Reading: 2 Chronicles 25:1-28:27Praise Journal Entry #12100: Heavenly Father, help us to remember that the response to Your Truth has truly…