Category: Uncategorized

  • Matthew 5:25-26

    25: Many have taken great pains to make this passage an allegory. They greatly complicate an otherwise simple meaning. The adversary here mentioned is someone who, like the brother mentioned in the previous verse, has something against you. As a result, they are, literally, taking you to court. While on the way, Jesus says, you…

  • Matthew 5:23-24

    23: Often even the Jews forgot what many of us today readily miss in the sacrificial system. The offerings, whether for sin or for praise, had to be offered with the right attitude of heart. Sin could not be regarded in one’s heart while an offering was made. If something was between you and another,…

  • Matthew 5:21-22

    21: In this verse, Jesus begins his explanation of the law. Where he says ‘ye have heard’ he is referring not to what was originally written in the law, but to how it had been taught to the Jews by the Jews down through the years. Thus, he was correcting some common misconceptions.It had been…

  • Matthew 5:20

    20: If the significance of Christ’s words is missed here, this statement could be taken as a cruel and discouraging standard. Here you have Jesus speaking to the mass of the common people. Many of them may not know how to read. Others were far too busy making ends meet than to study the scriptures…

  • Matthew 5:19

    19: The Jewish experts of the law in Jesus’ day, and even since then, have been known for far-out interpretations of the law. The rabbis have made up many stipulations allowing certain activities to continue. For example, in modern times, orthodox Jewish communities have a boundary around their town called an Eruv. This boundary supposedly…

  • Matthew 5:17-18

    17: Of course, many among the Jews had already begun to form the opinion that Christ was trying to do damage to the law. Indeed, the issue of the law is the very heart of controversy in Jesus’ life. People either accepted or rejected his teaching concerning the law. This sermon has much to do…

  • Matthew 5:15-16

    15: It is amazing what simple illustrations are used in scripture. Complicated examples are rare. Most of the explanations are fairly straightforward. This is by design. The illustrations are simple so as to emphasize the fact that the concepts are simple. If one lights a candle, it is meant to be seen. If one knows the gospel,…

  • Matthew 5:14

    14: The light of the gospel has been shining brightly since the time of Christ. the city on the hill is not only an illustration, but it also stands as a rallying cry for the army of ambassadors for Christ. The light of the gospel cannot be, and has not been, hidden. Each Christian must, however, shine his or…

  • Matthew 5:13

    13: Salt is one of the most useful things on the planet. It is used as a flavoring, and as a preservative. The disciples of Christ, knowing his teachings, are to be like salt to flavor and preserve this world. Now, the fact is that, normally, salt does not lose its flavor. It just is…

  • Matthew 5:12

    12: Of course, normally, suffering does not bring joy on any account. But suffering for the cause of Christ should indeed bring a very great measure of joy and gladness to one’s heart. Suffering for Christ stands as evidence of the true nature of a person as a child of God. As Jesus has already said, such…