Category: Uncategorized

  • Matthew 5:37

    37: This is Jesus conclusion on the matter of promises, or oaths. When you say something, mean what you say. This is, in essence, the same as saying that everything you say is a promise. In other words, Jesus is saying that our word should be worth something. We should have no need to make…

  • Matthew 5:36

    36: It had become a custom to swear an oath by a person’s head. Jesus condemned this as well. He showed, by pointing out our lack of control over our hair’s color, that this is also the same as swearing by God’s name because God is ultimately in charge of your head.In each of these…

  • Matthew 5:35

    35: Swearing oaths by things that we think are somehow less important than God will not keep us from being guilty when we break our promise. It is far better to just do what we should, instead of making endless promises. Daily Bible Reading: Psalm 11:1-18:50 Daily Memory Verse: Jude 1:4 “For there are certain…

  • Matthew 5:34

    34: Jesus encourages genuineness. It is not necessary to go around promising to be holy all the time. The simple actions of our lives will speak for themselves. Heaven is in God’s control. There is no reason to swear by it if one is not going to simply obey the God of it. Daily Bible Reading:…

  • Matthew 5:33

    33: Many things have been done throughout history by those wanting to appear to make a promise, and yet not be bound by it. Though crossing one’s fingers might be seen as childish, such childish means have often been used to avoid the guilt associated with a broken promise.As a result of this phenomenon, the Jews of Jesus’ day…

  • Matthew 5:32

    32: Jesus held up a very high standard for marriage. Specifically, he speaks of divorce from the man’s perspective, since they were the ones abusing this law so much. Jesus knew that divorced women of that day would likely have to remarry to support themselves. Marrying a divorced woman would make a person an adulterer. Jesus…

  • Matthew 5:31

    31: In practice, the law concerning divorce had come to favor the man very much. A Jewish man, though expected to have a legitimate reason, could divorce his wife at his discretion. He was the judge in matters of impropriety on her part, and she could not divorce him. Thus, as one can imagine, divorce…

  • Matthew 5:30

    30: Some may be repulsed by the intensity of Christ’s illustrations. Another example of this was the time that Jesus spoke about eating his flesh and drinking his blood. These illustrations will lead to the offence of those who are listening out of false motives. One who truly wants to learn the Truth will understand…

  • Matthew 5:29

    29: People often spend more time trying to determine Jesus’ exact meaning in these verses then they do acting on it. Obviously, if one removes a hand or eye, he may still be tempted. However, if he cuts certain things out of his life, no matter how dear to him, the likelihood of temptation is reduced drastically. For example,…

  • Matthew 5:27-28

    27: Great emphasis in the Jewish community had come to be laid upon the outward manifestation of sin. Thinking lustful thoughts was not addressed, whereas appearing outwardly to be interested in a woman was forbidden. Thus, the focus was on ‘keeping up appearances’ rather than purifying one’s heart.28: Jesus’ focus is on the thoughts of…