Category: Uncategorized

  • Matthew 6:11

    11: Prayer is to be a consistent practice. Faithfulness and constant dependence upon Almighty God are the important things. We are not supposed to ‘pray ahead’ for needs that we will have next week or next year, and then neglect to pray again on the day of our need. Instead, prayer is to be our…

  • Matthew 6:10

    10: The kingdom of God Almighty has been one of the most confused subjects in biblical study. God’s kingdom refers to his dominion over all. Now, one might say that God has dominion presently. However, though Almighty God is in complete control, his authority and right to rule are questioned. The day will come, and…

  • Matthew 6:9

    9: Although praying the exact words of the Lord’s prayer on occasion can be a good practice. However, it is evident by Jesus’s words that this is to be the ‘form’ guide for our prayers, but not always the exact words that we say.At the very outset, then, we see the proper addressee of our prayers, God the Father.…

  • Matthew 6:8

    8: Almighty God already knows what we are going to ask Him about. Prayer is more about trust. We don’t have to remind God of our needs or beg Him to be good to us. We have to voice our trust in his provision. Daily Bible Reading: Psalm 114:1-118:29 Daily Memory Verse: Jude 1:8 “Likewise…

  • Matthew 6:7

    7: Pagan prayers were quite pitiful. The supplicant would try to remind the supposed god of their devotion to their worship, and use as many appellations and repetitions as they possibly could. Their prayers sounded nothing like normal speech, unless grovelling is counted as normal. Daily Bible Reading: Psalm 103:1-113:9 Daily Memory Verse: Jude 1:7 “Even as…

  • Break

    I’m taking a two-day break from blogging. I’ll resume on Monday, if Jesus doesn’t come back first. Have a blessed weekend!

  • Matthew 6:6

    6: Most persons in that time would not have had a private room in their house. The only room with a door would likely have been the storeroom or pantry. Thus, Jesus literally means ‘closet’ here. The key is not so much the location as the idea of privacy. Prayer is for Almighty God, and…

  • Matthew 6:5

    5: The problem here was not public prayer. Prayer in public is acceptable and sometimes in order. However, one’s motive is very important in such cases. In Jesus’ day, many had taken to praying publicly so as to make their piety know to all, and to show it off. As before with alms, Jesus says…

  • Matthew 6:4

    4: Although Jesus was likely not referring to it specifically, there was likely in the temple at one time a ‘chamber of secrets’, from which the poor were supported, and to which persons privately deposited alms. Though Jesus was probably not meaning this specifically, he was speaking of this same kind of idea. Alms should be done…

  • Matthew 6:3

    3: Although Jesus’ words here are figurative, they are very poignant as usual. Our hands, whether right or left, notice nothing. However, not only may those standing on our right or left take notice of a show; but also, we may within ourselves take notice of our own benevolence and esteem ourselves for it. The path…