Category: Uncategorized

  • Matthew 8:1

    1: Many followed the Lord Jesus while he was here on earth. Just as now, there would be many of those that would fall away. Few would follow him ‘all the way’ to the cross and beyond. Daily Bible Reading: Jeremiah 22:1-24:10 Daily Memory Verse: Jude 1:16 “These are murmurers, complainers, walking after their own…

  • Matthew 7:28-29

    28: The ultimate nature of Jesus’ doctrine is appealing to us. He does not offer empty promises. He tells us exactly how life really is, and gives us the best information we could hope to have. As the disciples put it later, he has the words of eternal life.29: His teaching had the legitimacy of…

  • Matthew 7:27

    27: Notice that the same troubles befall both the wise and foolish builders. Sometimes we think that the wise will have fewer difficulties, but this is not necessarily the case. Indeed, often it may seem that the foolish will have a better time of it. In the end, however, those who do not build their lives on…

  • Matthew 7:26

    26: Of course, a poor builder might make such a mistake. However, usually, this kind of thing does not happen. this only serves to highlight the fact that most people go about building their life in the wrong fashion altogether. You can’t make a life out of a house of cards. You need something more…

  • Matthew 7:25

    25: A life built upon Christ will weather the storms of life far more easily that one founded on our own shaky foundations. He is a source of certainty in an uncertain world. He is an anchor of hope in a sea of hopelessness. Daily Bible Reading: Jeremiah 7:1-9:26 Daily Memory Verse: Jude 1:16 “These…

  • Matthew 7:24

    24: This verse and the following illustration really sum up what Jesus is looking to communicate. Really listening to Christ, taking his words to heart, is the important thing. Many have tried to be loyal to an idea of Christ that they have invented themselves. Knowing that he is wise, they have taken the words…

  • Matthew 7:23

    23: We always talk about knowing Jesus. But, does he know us? Obviously, Jesus knows everything and everybody. However, he is here referring to the fellowship relationship that he has with those who belong to him. The children of the Father have an close relationship with Christ.   To do the works of a saint, and…

  • Matthew 7:22

    22: The day of judgement is coming, and Jesus makes it clear that salvation will not be based upon good works. Indeed, many would say, how can these things be done by those who are not saved? Keep in mind, however, that Judas did these things, and yet was not Christ’s in reality. Balaam prophesied…

  • Matthew 7:21

    21: A simple admission of Christ’s divinity, power , and Lordship is not the same as salvation. Many have confessed that Jesus is a very great man, and some even that he is God, and yet have not accepted him as the Lord of their lives. One might say that Jesus must be taken on…

  • Matthew 7:19-20

    19: Sooner or later, those who teach false doctrine, and lead others astray, will come to destruction.20: Therefore, you can always tell good fruit-bearers by that hallmark of faithfulness. Daily Bible Reading: Isaiah 44:1-57:21 Daily Memory Verse: Jude 1:14 “And Enoch also, the seventh from Adam, prophesied of these, saying, Behold, the Lord cometh with…