Category: Uncategorized

  • Matthew 8:19-20

    19: In this part of the passage, Jesus speaks with a couple of his followers. One, who happened to be a scribe, offered to go with Christ anywhere, thus becoming one of the more dedicated members of the group. Jesus, however, had evidently not called this man to such, and he did call his other…

  • Matthew 8:18

    18: Jesus had many followers. Even today, many follow, or claim to follow, Christ. But now, as then, the true followers of Christ are few. this multitude dwindled as Jesus’ ministry progressed. Daily Bible Reading: Daniel 5:1-6:28 Daily Memory Verse: Jude 1:21 “And of some have compassion, making a difference:” Daily Tidbit: We have 365…

  • Luke 2:7

    Luke 2:7: This child was the firstborn of Mary, not Joseph. His firstborn would come later. Jesus, being the son of the woman only, was the result of a great miracle of Almighty God. He was born sinless and perfect. Mary wrapped the child. This morning, thousands will unwrap presents of all shapes and sizes.…

  • Matthew 8:17

    17: This quote is from Isaiah 53:4, which is one of the greatest chapter about Christ in all of prophecy. To think that the very Son of God Almighty has taken our sins upon himself is quite amazing. We would never think it if it had not been God who told us. Also, it is…

  • Matthew 8:16

    16: The preponderance of demonic possession in Christ’s day is not to be a surprise. Many were given to the practice of magical arts, such was common in a culture so mixed up. The religious leaders seemed unable to offer anything authentic, and the influx of pagan idolatry was strong in areas controlled by Rome.…

  • Matthew 8:15

    15: The woman was immediately healed. She was not fatigued, hungry, or in need of long recovery. This was not always the case. Sometimes Jesus’ miracles were different, like with the blind man who saw men like trees, or the young lady that needed some food after she was raised. None of this minimizes Jesus’…

  • Matthew 8:14

    14: Several things must be noted in this verse. First, Jesus notices Peter’s mother-in-law as soon as he comes into the house. The disciples told him quickly, but he knew it all along. This reminds us of the importance of telling Almighty God our needs. He already knows, and has more than enough power to…

  • Matthew 8:13

    13: Faith is the victory! Jesus here recognizes and responds to faith. It is always this way with Almighty God. The healing that the centurion’s servant immediately received was not due to his master’s good works, or to his. It was not due to anything special about either of them. If anything human could be credited, Jesus…

  • Matthew 8:12

    12: The children of the kingdom are, of course, the Jews. In other words, many who would be thought, as Jewish, to automatically enter eternal bliss, shall miss it altogether. The idea of weeping and gnashing of teeth in outer darkness points out some interesting thoughts about hell. First, all who are in hell are…

  • Matthew 8:11

    11: The promises made to the patriarchs included blessings for believers in the entire world, not only the Jews. This is made abundantly clear by this comment from Jesus, the spread of the gospel in Acts, and the doctrine found in other New Testament writings, such as Galatians. Daily Bible Reading: Ezekiel 28:1-31:18 Daily Memory…