Category: Uncategorized

  • 29: Sparrows could be purchased for very little. A farthing would today amount to maybe ten dollars at the most. Thus, Jesus was reminding them that a sparrow was of very little value in man’s estimation. And yet, Almighty God, the Lord of all heaven and earth, cares for the fate of this small creature. He knows…

  • 28: The principle here is to fear Almighty God. He alone has the ultimate control over things. The devil, and evil persons, may only bring about physical death if God allows it. However, nobody but God himself can destroy the soul. So, he is the one to obey and respect above all else.   The disciples…

  • 27: In those days the roofs of the houses were flat. So, yelling, or even speaking, from the rooftops was a good way to get the word out in a hurry. We should not be ashamed to proclaim the Truth of the gospel. As we saw in the last verse, God reveals his Truth. Jesus’…

  • 26: This is a blessed comfort as Christians face persecution. We are to find our solace in the person of Christ. He shall bring all to light as the judge of the quick and the dead. We will have no cause for complaint due to his judgement. He always gets it right. None shall stand…

  • 25: The servant, or the disciple, should expect to be treated no better than the master or lord. So, Jesus is explaining to them why they will be greatly persecuted. Indeed, he had already undergone persecution, and would ultimately be betrayed to death.   Jesus was, by the Jewish leaders, equated with Belzebub. In the Greek, this name…

  • 24: The lines of this verse were meant as simple illustrations that the disciples would quickly understand. The servant or disciple would, at the very most be equal to their master or lord. Never would the disciple or servant be considered greater than the master or lord. This he said to remind them of the…

  • 23: At first glance, it might simply be thought that Jesus was here saying that the disciples would not get done reaching every city in Israel before Jesus came to get them. This is not the case. They returned to him after a time. Thus, he was making a general statement in connection with his…

  • Matthew 10:22

    22: Two things need to be considered here. First, the name of Christ will always be the thing that causes persecution. If we are hated for something other than that name, then it is our fault that we are hated. We should be, in such a case, ashamed of ourselves. But, if it is for…

  • Matthew 10:21

    21: Jesus has never wanted to destroy the family. Jesus is the most pro-family person in history. However, he wants us to understand that the gospel will make enemies. And these enemies will come from the most unexpected places sometimes. We have to understand that humans, without God’s help, love themselves more than anybody else.…

  • Matthew 10:20

    20: The ‘Spirit of your Father’ is of course the Holy Spirit. Even today we would say the same, that he speaks through us. And yet, many seem only to claim this, but not to practice it. Does the Holy Spirit truly speak in us? We sometimes claim it because we know it is right,…