Category: Uncategorized

  • Matthew 12:9

    Matthew 12:9   It is often overlooked that Jesus made it a habit to go to the synagogue. Though we might think this only natural, it was not necessarily required of him. He could have avoided contention on many occasions by avoiding this practice. Furthermore, we never see him contending with the Jews about how they conducted their…

  • Matthew 12:8

    Matthew 12:8   Jesus makes a statement here that would be very offensive to the Pharisees. Yet, he says ti anyway because it is true. This is a great lesson to us about telling the Truth. No matter how unpopular it may be, the Truth is always best. Bible Reading: Genesis 33:1-35:29 Scripture Memory: 1 John…

  • Matthew 12:7

    Matthew 12:7   This is a direct reference to Hosea 6:6. The Jewish leaders were simply keeping up the deficiencies that the Jews had exhibited for several hundred years. Their emphasis on external ritual and tradition was a poor substitute for true obedience in their heart. Jesus makes it clear that the disciples were not guilty…

  • Matthew 12:6

    Matthew 12:6   If the Pharisees had believed at all what Jesus says in this verse they would never have questioned him. Jesus knows this, but says it anyway. Jesus did not hide the fact that he was the Messiah. If he was the One who made the Sabbath holy, he could regulate it as he saw fit.…

  • Matthew 12:5

    Matthew 12:5   In this verse Jesus is building up to something. God could obviously interpret his own law. If he allowed the priests to work on the Sabbath, that was his choice. Bible Reading: Genesis 27:1-28:22 Scripture Memory: 1 John 2:16 “For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and…

  • Matthew 12:4

    Matthew 12:4   David and his men did as they did for the cause of need. They would not have been able to bring food with them and were running for their lives. Jesus was using this illustration to remind the Pharisees that their were exceptions to the law. The actions of Jesus’ disciples did not…

  • Matthew 12:3

    Matthew 12:3   Jesus had a tendency to encourage the Jewish leaders to get into their Scriptures. This is not a coincidence. He most definitely did it on purpose. Indeed, Jesus always was a step ahead when it came to familiarity with the Word of God. This should surprise us very little. Jesus understood that it…

  • Matthew 12:2

    Matthew 12:2   The Pharisees had added to or taken from many laws through their oral traditions. Even today, in an effort to understand and apply all of the laws, the rabbis are allowed to interpret almost as they see fit. Thus, as Jesus said on another occasion, their traditions had nullified the law. This act of the disciples…

  • Matthew 12:1

    Matthew 12:1   One will notice that the King James Version says the disciples were picking corn on this occasion. However, many modern translations say it was grain. The fact is that the Greek word here could apply to either corn or wheat. Indeed, you may think of Jesus words in John 12:24, where he refers to…

  • Matthew 11:30

    Matthew 11:30   Keep in mind here that there is still a yoke and burden. Sometimes we act as if following Christ means nothing at all. We think that he will demand nothing of us. Such is most definitely not the case. However, the expectations of Jesus upon our lives are perfectly matched by his enabling.…