Category: Uncategorized

  • Matthew 13:9

    Matthew 13:9   This is one of Jesus’ favorite sayings. It’s like saying, ‘Ya got ears don’t ya, why don’t ya use ’em?’ That’s the southern version, anyway. Literally, Jesus is saying that his words are so important that anyone who has ears should listen to him. They will find that his words are the most…

  • Matthew 13:8

    Matthew 13:8   Notice that the seed that falls into good ground yields much. Jesus’ listeners would have thought this. Thirtyfold would even be a remarkable yield, let alone more than that. This parable, then, gives us the idea that those who are truly saved will be quite fruitful in their lives. Bible Reading: Deuteronomy 8:1-10:22Scripture…

  • Matthew 13:7

    Matthew 13:7   The seed that fell among thorns reminds us of the fact that many will hear the Truth, and yet ultimately they will reject it. We have all around us people who know the Truth, but who refuse to talk about it or consider it further. They are deceived by this world, and are…

  • Matthew 13:6

    Matthew 13:6   In order to understand this parable one must remember that Jesus is describing the reception of the gospel. In other words, as in this verse, he is not describing the loss of salvation. The seed that fell in the stony places represents those who quickly receive the message of the gospel but do…

  • Matthew 13:5

    Matthew 13:5   In the area where Jesus was teaching, farmers would have been aware of these types of stony places. In these spots, though there appeared on the surface to be good soil, the rocks were not far below. Thus, having little soil to take root in, the seed had little chance of growing.   Those…

  • Matthew 13:4

    Matthew 13:4   The wayside is the path near the field. As a well-trodden path, it would naturally not be a good place for seed to grow. It was packed down and hard. This represents those who hear the gospel, but do not understand it. Before they have time to figure out what they have heard,…

  • Matthew 13:3   Parables were often used for teaching in that time and place. The Jews were used to the Rabbis employing this method. However, Jesus used it to greater effect, and had greater truths in mind. Telling a parable about farming was an easy way to get the attention of the multitude. They would readily…

  • Matthew 13:2   In our day, it is the audience that is made comfortable while the speaker stands. Jesus was doing the work of sharing the Truth. His hearers did not mind if he sat while they stood. Imagine what would happen today if people were asked to listen to a man sitting down speak while…

  • Matthew 13:1   This is one of those little verses that we forget about. Jesus just goes out and sits down by the sea. He already knows the people are coming. He already knows what he will teach them. He simply picks a good place for the day’s activities and sets to work on them. Jesus…

  • Matthew 12:50   True Christianity is about being part of a family. When you are part of a family, there are certain things that you share that will never change. You can be separated from your family by many miles, but you still have a connection to them that cannot be altered. You belong together, you…