Matthew 13:19 When people hear God’s Word, but fail to understand it, the enemy has an easy job. This planting of Truth is not even a planting. It is just a superficial hearing. However, many, many people will fall through the cracks because they think they already know about Jesus. They remember hearing about him.…
Matthew 13:18 The parables of Christ are not just an example of great teaching. They are also, in their content, the greatest of all teachings the world has ever heard. For instance, we have, in this parable, the single most straightforward explanation of the manner of the spread of the gospel. There is no better…
Matthew 13:17 Often we forget how much more we have even today than did those saints in the Old Testament. We have come to feel somehow as if they were so much closer to the beginning that they must have known more than we do. Yet, this is not the case. We have all of…
Matthew 13:16 We often take for granted the fact that we have access to God’s Truth. It should never be taken for granted. There have been those who did not have access. There have been dark times in history. We must be thankful for the great blessings we have. Bible Reading: Deuteronomy 33:1-Joshua 2:24Scripture Memory: 1…
Matthew 13:15 Notice that it is the people who had willfully ignored God’s truth. Indeed, it is stated quite plainly that God would forgive them most certainly if they were to repent. This is a great principle. God always forgives those who truly turn to him and repent. There are no exceptions. Bible Reading: Deuteronomy…
Matthew 13:14 This is a quote from Isaiah 6:9-10. Isaiah was told to tell his hearers that they would not hear him. This was not only true for his day, but is a recurring theme for the Jews. Though they have been given much truth, many have rejected that truth. Paul also quoted this passage…
Matthew 13:13 This is a sad commentary, but it is so true of so many people. It is amazing to think that people would neglect the Truth of Almighty God only to accept the the teaching of man as gospel. People in our modern era disdain belief in God, and yet cling to theories of…
Matthew 13:12 This comment of Christ actually helps us to understand the parable itself better. Those who have the Truth, but have not truly accepted it, will lose it. They know who Christ is, and they believe what they have heard about him. They may even try to live for him and do what is…
Matthew 13:11 It has been difficult for us to accept, but the truth is that most people will not believe Christ. Though Almighty God wants people to believe, and the saints pray for people to believe, many people will not believe. This is what Jesus was explaining to the disciples. They accepted Christ, as did…
Matthew 13:10 The disciples did not understand why Jesus was using parabolic teaching. Remember, for the most part, the disciples were unlearned men. They knew that many of the common people would have a difficult time understanding why Jesus used parables as well. However, over the years I have found that Almighty God keeps his…