Category: Uncategorized

  • Matthew 13:29   It is very important for us to remember in ministry that it is our job to plant, not to pull weeds. Many have supposed it their calling to root out the trouble makers, and thus to help the crop. On the contrary, we are called to plant and water, while God himself cares…

  • Matthew 13:28   Many times I have wondered at the Lord’s wisdom in allowing his people to remain in this world. It has so many good results. For one, it makes those who are his very apparent and a great testimony to the rest of the world. Also, it tests the saints as they remain in…

  • Mathew 13:27   There have been many who question the motives and methods of Almighty God. We will wonder why he allows evil as well as good. We know he does not want people to die and go to hell, but he will allow it to happen. He allows his people to yet live in an…

  • Matthew 13:26   Many may be confused by the phrase ‘the blade was sprung up’ in this verse. The blade refers to the wheat, which had grown to the point that it was ready to mature and have ‘fruit’, or corns of wheat. Thus, the enemy’s tares became evident only after the wheat started to produce.…

  • Matthew 13:25   While the ministers of good are lax, the enemy will find every opportunity to subvert the Truth. In this case, he implants counterfeits among the harvest. The ‘tares’ to which Jesus here refers were actually a type of weed that looked just like wheat. Until the ears began to appear, they were indistinguishable…

  • Matthew  13:24   Unlike the previous parable, this one shows us the nature of the saved world. God intends to raise up a large group of saved persons, but they will live in this world. Thus, the lost and the saved will live together. Rather than rooting up the lost, the Lord chooses to allow his…

  • Matthew 13:23   The seed on good ground represents those who are truly converted. All who are born again will bear fruit, though not all the same amount. Though many might say it is our fault if we do not all bear a hundredfold, God blesses as he chooses as well. We must be obedient, but…

  • Matthew 13:22   How many will come to the end of their lives only to find that the cares of this world have robbed them of the only precious thing they ever had? Money makes the world go round, and it has choked the life out of many well-meaning persons. We often live our lives looking…

  • Matthew 13:21   Persecution is, unfortunately, one of the most accurate tests of true faith. These, having turned to Christ in their own power, had not been born again into God’s family, and were thus unable to endure much. Affliction in this life will not deter the faith of the child of God.Bible Reading: Joshua 16:1-19:51Scripture…

  • Matthew 13:20   Many who appear to be converted fall into this category. Indeed, as you move along here, fewer and fewer fit into each category. There is a narrowing effect. In this case we see those who understand the message and even mentally accept it. However, they do so on their own power. They try…