Category: Uncategorized

  • Matthew 17:10

    Matthew 17:10    While, on the one hand, the scribes were right about Elijah, they did not recognize John as they should. John’s teaching was too tough for their taste, and his denouncement of their sins was disturbing to them. They fancied themselves to be agreeable to any prophet of God. They did not expect to…

  • Matthew 17:9

    Matthew 17:9   Sometimes Jesus’ way of doing things might seem odd to us. However, as God, his thoughts are not our thoughts, and his ways are high above our ways. His purpose in this vision was not, apparently, belief. In other words, he chose three men who already believed in him to go up the mountain…

  • Matthew 17:8

    Matthew 17:8   The disciples now saw Jesus just as he always had been before them in times past. One might say there is no great lesson to be found in this verse. However, consider this: Just as the disciples now needed to exercise faith in the Christ of glory, which they had just seen, we…

  • Matthew 17:7

    Matthew 17:7   This verse is a beautiful picture of Who Christ is to us. Without him, we have nothing but fear before Almighty God. He, as with the prophets of old, is the connection between humanity and the Awesome Creator. He is Job’s daysman, Abraham’s friend, and David’s Lord. He is the One who spoke…

  • Matthew 17:6

    Matthew 17:6   Not only is this the only appropriate response, but it is also the only possible response. The Father spoke out of heaven on other occasions without persons falling on their faces. For example, at the baptism of Christ. However, this was specifically a revelation of the glory of Christ, and, thus, God himself. So,…

  • Matthew 17:5

    Matthew 17:5   It seems that many feel the words of the Father on this occasion are in response to the words of Peter. I am, however, not of that opinion. I say this for several reasons. First, as we have already seen, Peter didn’t know what he was saying. His suggestion was not taken seriously…

  • Matthew 17:4

    Matthew 17:4    We may ask ourselves what exactly Peter had in mind here. But, it seems, even his companions never figured that out. We are prone to say silly things when our minds are dazzled by what we see. Peter was awed by the whole experience. He seems to especially have been taken aback by…

  • Matthew 17:3

    Matthew 17:3   Why would Jesus be here seen with Moses and Elijah? This is easily answered. We must put ourselves into the shoes of the disciples. Having, at that time, only the Old Testament, the persons of Moses and Elijah loomed large in their minds. Moses stood, and still stands today, as the representative of the…

  • Matthew 17:2

    Matthew 17:2   Some will take issue here with what exactly is meant by this transfiguration. Jesus came to this earth and took on flesh. He was a real, material person just like you and I. However, then, many will say, how is it he was so easily transformed into this form of glory. They will say that…

  • Matthew 17:1

    Matthew 17:1   Though Peter had just been the one to allow the devil to influence him, he had also been the one to confess the true identity of Christ. Indeed, Peter, James and John were the best choice for this revealing of the glory of Christ. They would be more likely than the others to understand…