Category: Uncategorized

  • Nobody Dared

    But they no longer dared to ask Him anything. Luke 20:40 Jesus was too hot to handle. Interactions with Him were dangerous games for the ruling elite. His intellect, insight, and authority were enough to keep them up at night. They could not afford to rock the boat with the Romans, and any popular uprising…

  • And the Scribes responded, saying, ‘Teacher, what you said was good.’ Luke 20:39 The Scribes were experts on the law, and like the Pharisees they did not agree with the Sadducees about the afterlife or spiritual things. Some of them may have truly been impressed by the words of Christ. But they likely made this…

  • He is not God of the dead, but of the living. To Him they are all alive. Luke 20:38 Jesus teaches this to His disciples on several occasions. For example He refers to some, who had died, as sleeping. Physical death is not meant to be considered an end in the theology of Christ. Life…

  • But that the dead rise, even Moses reveals in the bush passage, as he quotes the Lord, ‘the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob.’ Luke 20:37 Jesus is directly quoting from Exodus 3:6. In that verse, Moses records how the Lord identified Himself to Moses. All three patriarchs…

  • Nor can they die any longer, for they are like angels, and are the sons of God, sons of the resurrection. Luke 20:36 Saints are not angels. But just like angels, the saints will not die after the resurrection to glorified bodies. This makes sense because death was not originally a part of our world.…

  • But those who are counted worthy to obtain that age, and the resurrection of the dead, neither marry nor are given in marriage. Luke 20:35 It is very interesting how Jesus words this. We often use the terminology, ‘those who are saved’ but the redeemed are referred to in many ways in the New Testament,…

  • Answering, Jesus said to them, “The sons of this age marry and are given in marriage,” Luke 20:34 Marriage is a function of our current situation. The Lord has given it to us as a picture of His working in our lives. It is the best illustration of the relationship between Christ and the church…

  • All Seven

    Therefore, in the ressurrection, whose wife does she become? For, the seven had her as wife. Luke 20:33 Here is their conclusion for this strange thought project. The Sadducees very likely used this particular puzzle regularly to confound their opponents. They were impressed by their own cleverness and did not expect Christ to respond the…

  • And after all of them, the woman died also. Luke 20:32 The idea here is to set up a conundrum. Due to the misinterpretation of some passages of the Old Testament, the Sadducees thought they saw inconsistencies. Since the husband and the wife become ‘one flesh’, they wondered how that would carry over into the…

  • And the third received her just the same; in this manner the also did the seven, they left no children and died. Luke 20:31 What an epidemic! In any case the point is to set up a logic trap to support the belief of the Sadducees that life after death was not biblical. They were…