Category: Uncategorized

  • Matthew 18:18

    Matthew 18:18   This phraseology is not used in our modern day. It was, however, legal terminology. The binding and loosing idea is a Jewish one, and alludes to the judicial authority of the interpreters of Scripture. In other words, what Jesus is saying here is that the church has the authority to arbitrate in matters regarding…

  • Matthew 18:17

    Matthew 18:17   The focus here is repentance, and avoidance of false believers. Jesus is not trying to cause division among true brothers and sisters in Christ. He is, however, showing that the church body as a whole has the right, under him, to judge the lack of repentance on the part of the offender. Furthermore, even…

  • Matthew 18:16

    Matthew 18:16   Some might try to get around this step. In our modern time we have these handy little things called tape recorders. Thus, some might try to say that taking others with them is redundant since it is here stated that the purpose in that is to establish what was said. However, even in our…

  • Matthew 18:15

    Matthew 18:15   Often we talk about this means of dealing with offences without remembering the context. Disputes among believers are to be handled in this way to avoid hurting the one who caused the problem to begin with. this is exactly the opposite of how people usually deal with problems. But, it is the right way…

  • Matthew 18:14

    Matthew 18:14   It is not the desire of Almighty God that any might be lost. However, he does not force us into salvation. Some will be lost, and some will be found. This is a mystery, but it is a fact. Bible Reading: Micah 4:1-Nahum 1:15 Scripture Memory: 1 John 5:1 “Whosoever believeth that Jesus is the Christ…

  • Matthew 18:13

    Matthew 18:13   If it was not for the rescuing of the lost sheep, there would be nothing left to wait for in this present evil world. Almighty God is at work, bringing people to himself. This is the great task of the world. This is the purpose for being. He that who wins souls is wise. Bible…

  • Matthew 18:12

    Matthew 18:12   The care of Christ for his own is seen here. Though we know that the Father loves us, we also know that the Son loves us. Jesus is not just the messenger, the errand boy, or the servant, he is the One who saves us just as much as the Father. He loves every…

  • Happy New Year!

    Psalm 90:12 “So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom.”

  • Matthew 18:11

    Matthew 18:11   This is his program. This is his work. This is his mission. Conquering the world militarily is no problem for him. Persuading the most intellectual minds is no challenge. Reforming the entire world is not a goal big enough. The tasks that others might undertake would be simple for Christ. No, his task, his…

  • Matthew 18:10

    Matthew 18:10   Often we get really excited about angels. The fact is that the angels of Almighty God are involved in our daily lives. However, as many have noted, the Bible tells us little about them. I have always felt that their are good reasons for this. I think the Lord wants us to remember…