Category: Uncategorized

  • Matthew 20:32

    Matthew 20:32   Jesus suddenly standing still would have immediately silenced the crowd. all were focused upon him. His every move was being watched. His words were surely all that was heard among that great throng. And, all heard his offer. All heard that he would give to these men whatever they would if asked in…

  • Matthew 20:31

    Matthew 20:31   Do not get confused here. This verse is not saying that the blind men should be silent. The crowd, who told them to be quiet, thought that. Thus, where the verse here says ‘because they should hold their peace’ it is referring to the feelings of the crowd.They felt these men should silence…

  • Matthew 20:30

    Matthew 20:30   There has been much confusion in trying to reconcile the accounts of Matthew, Mark, and Luke in regard to the healing of blind men in the region of Jericho. The fact of the matter is that Jesus healed many blind persons in the course of his ministry. We are not told of him…

  • Matthew 20:29

    Matthew 20:29   As he departs here from Jericho, there is much expectation that he will be setting up his earthly kingdom soon. departing from this city meant he was on his was to Jerusalem. Geographically, Jericho is about ten miles away from Jerusalem. Bible Reading: 1 Timothy 5:1-2 Timothy 2:26 Scripture Memory: James 1:2 “Knowing…

  • Matthew 20:28

    Matthew 20:28   Jesus is the ultimate servant. Though he has the power to do anything, he has made himself the most amazing example of humility and love that could ever be known. Bible Reading: 2 Thessalonians 3:1-1 Timothy 4:16 Scripture Memory: James 1:2 “Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience.” Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank You for…

  • Matthew 20:27

    Matthew 20:27   The servant-leader model seems quite strange to the world. Yet tis is the model for the kingdom of Christ. Winning people, not military campaigns, political elections, or profit ventures, is our goal. Thus, the servant-leader model is perfect. You cannot convincingly win those who you are not willing to serve. Bible Reading: 1 Thessalonians 4:1-2…

  • Matthew 20:26

    Matthew 20:26   As great ones in the kingdom of Christ, which is at this time a spiritual kingdom, the disciples were to be great servants. His kingdom is to be full of those who endeavor to be like him. Although he will come in power, he has come first in great humility as the servant of…

  • Matthew 20:25

    Matthew 20:25   Jesus keeps his illustrations simple and easy to understand. This doesn’t mean he is trying to ‘dumb down’ the truth. What it does mean is that the simplest illustrations are oftentimes the best ones. In this case, he points to the leaders of the Gentile world. Their ‘great ones’ had great authority over the…

  • Matthew 20:24

    Matthew 20:24   Imagine that! These men were human, just like the rest of us. They wanted vindication. they wanted what they thought was fair. Apparently, none of the disciples had learned much from the parable at the beginning of the chapter. They were in competition with each other and wanted everyone to ‘play by the rules’…

  • Matthew 20:23

    Matthew 20:23   Though it is difficult for us to at first understand, God’s purposes are established form before time began. Jesus did not overstep the bounds of what Almighty God had already laid out. As God, Jesus understood completely what he was explaining here. Jesus would not be making any changes to the set order of things as…