Category: Uncategorized

  • Matthew 21:38   Although this was an illustration, the circumstances of the heir of the vineyard owner were not much different from those of Christ. The Jewish leaders did not understand that Jesus was the heir of the vineyard. And, killing him would get them no inheritance. But, they did see the results of him being…

  • Matthew 21:37   Is God gullible? Does he not know the depths of the sin of man? does he fail to see the evil within our hearts. No. Indeed, it is he who reminds us and instructs us concerning the great evil that is found within us. Without the testimony of his word, we would never…

  • Matthew 21:36   The mercy of God is great. Knowing already what the outcome would be, he sent more messengers. Why would God send more warnings to people who were not listening? Well, for one thing, that brings greater glory to him. And, for another, there are some who will hear and be saved. Prophets, priests,…

  • Matthew 21:35   The prophets of the Lord are here intended. He sent many to Israel and Judah to bring them back to the straight and narrow. But, quite often, the response was violence rather than repentance. The types of attacks Jesus mentions here are consistent with what the Jewish leaders did to the prophets. Bible…

  • Matthew 21:34   The was the way of such an arrangement. The owner would get a certain percentage of the crop because he was the owner. Thus, it was his own possession that he was sending for to fetch to himself. His servant, which he personally sent, had every right to what they demanded because the…

  • Matthew 21:33   Jesus used things in his parables that people would easily understand. Though it is somewhat foreign to us, the Jews of that day would immediately understand all that he was describing in this verse. This is important. Jesus did not teach people with vague spiritualized legends or stories with weird or amazing notions…

  • Matthew 21:32   Jesus brings home the application. Many today might hear gospel preaching and presume in their hearts to think that Jesus would never say what his ministers say. But, this is not at all the case. Jesus was and is the Preacher, and we are only repeating his words. He had a powerful and…

  • Matthew 21:31   Do not miss the wisdom of Christ in this parable. The Jewish leaders had posed a question with an obvious answer. Jesus did the same in return, but they would not answer it because it had the same answer as their question. He then told a story that had a question attached. This…

  • Matthew 21:30   Not only did this young man fail to obey his father’s directive, but he lied about it. You might say, so did the first! Well no, not really. The first said he would not go, but repented and went. This one any father would easily forgive. The second lied by saying he would…

  • Matthew 21:29   It is very common to find one who turns from God in their early years and then comes to him later. Some run from the Lord because they don’t understand how he could love them. Some do it because they never understand the fullness of his forgiveness. For others, it is simply rebellion,…