Matthew 22:41 Jesus only did this on a couple of occasions. But, there were often implied questions in his teaching. He did not teach for notoriety, or out of pride. He taught the truth with the aim to teach. He wasn’t interested in wasting time with empty words. When he opened his mouth, he had…
Matthew 22:40 What Jesus is saying here is that no matter where you look in God’s Word, these two commandments are going to be the basis, the very foundation, for all of the doctrines you will encounter. They are the very core of the attempt to understand God. Without them, you have no Guide for…
Matthew 22:39 Note well the fact that Jesus was not asked for this part of the answer. He was asked only what was the great commandment. He was not asked to supply the second, or to comment upon them, but he did both of these things. It seems that he felt those then present could…
Matthew 22:38 This is the commandment to keep, for it transcends all others. Had God made a completely different world, a place that would be very foreign and strange to us, this would still be the central requirement of every being capable of love. Love is a choice that Almighty God has given us the…
Matthew 22:37 We act nowadays as if every other one of us keeps this command to the letter. Of all the godly kings of the Jews, only one was said to have actually kept this command. It is this command that takes all of Scripture and rolls it in to one line. No person who…
I am taking a one day break from posting. I will resume tomorrow morning, the Lord willing.
Matthew 22:36 Can you imagine asking Christ this question? Here you have the opportunity to have the Lord himself comment upon his own Word. Yet, this man had the desire to test Jesus more than to learn anything. And that is how most people still are today. Rather than wanting to learn, they want to…
Matthew 22:35 This lawyer was likely a scribe. The scribes would be the group most intimately acquainted with the very letter of the law. Thus, being supposedly careful students of the particulars, experts among them should have no problem refuting Jesus if he was incorrect and unbiblical. Bible Reading: Deuteronomy 33:1-Joshua 2:24 Scripture Memory: James 2:4 “Are…
Matthew 22:34 The Pharisees would normally be pretty happy about the shaming of the Sadducees. However, united against what they saw as a common foe, they relished no victory. This kind of persecution is still rampant today. For example, the satanist and the Muslim would have little in common. But, if either rise to the…
Matthew 22:33 Is it any wonder that one of the most amazing things about Jesus was his doctrine? Indeed, that is exactly as it should be. When it comes right down to it, doctrine is the bottom line. It is what really makes the difference. Others may have claimed greatness. Others were said to have…