Category: Uncategorized

  • Matthew 24:15

    Matthew 24:15   The real key here is to be careful to understand, just as the verse says. This reference to the abomination of desolation goes back to the prophecy of Daniel. In order to understand what exactly that means we need to remember what the disciples had asked. They wanted to know when the Jerusalem…

  • Matthew 24:14

    Matthew 24:14   I do not see the purpose in dichotomy in the kingdom unless it has the purpose of helping us to understand the will and plan of God. Indeed, all that I have read on the subject of the kingdoms has had the purpose of helping us to understand the plans of Almighty God.…

  • Matthew 24:13

    Matthew 24:13   This verse and others like it have been the source of some confusion. This is only because we are looking for something where it may not be found. This verse is not about eternal security, or the lack thereof. Jesus is not teaching here that only those who are sinlessly perfect in their…

  • Matthew 24:12

    Matthew 24:12   Although it is true to say that evil is no new thing, it seems that Jesus is here supporting the idea that things will get steadily worse and worse. The proof of this can be seen in our world today. We have more knowledge than all of the generations before us, and yet…

  • Matthew 24:11

    Matthew 24:11   There will not be an end to those who try to benefit themselves by false religion until time is out. Always we will have those who profit from the spiritual needs of their fellow man. Woe to them who would capitalize on the suffering of others! They give people false hope, and that…

  • Matthew 24:10

    Matthew 24:10   Jesus is alluding here to the differences among those who would call themselves Christians. Indeed, we see even today a huge spectrum of differences among those that would try to call themselves Christian. There has been much bloodshed in history over these differences because of those who believe it is right to hurt…

  • Matthew 24:9

    Matthew 24:9   The word ‘then’ here need not signify order. Instead it means, at that time. So, again, these are things that will characterize the age in which we live. And, indeed, martyrdom has never ceased. There is always someone somewhere killing God’s people. The hatred on the part of all nations is obvious. No…

  • Matthew 24:8

    Matthew 24:8   By saying these are the beginnings of sorrows Jesus simply means that the troubles of the end time will be even worse. These things He has mentioned are but a foretaste of the judgement to come. So, once again, wars, famines, earthquakes, and the like are reminders of the end, but they do…

  • Matthew 24:7

    Matthew 24:7   Once again, Jesus is helping His followers to understand that there would be griefs such as these in the coming age. These things would not specifically reveal the time of His coming, but would characterize the future. This we can see from history. Nation has risen against nation, and famine and earthquakes have…

  • Matthew 24:6

    Matthew 24:6   Again, do not try to make the Lord say anything he is not saying. We know that war has continued in spite of the first coming of Christ. From our perspective this is easy to understand, but for the disciples it might seem amazing that the propensity of the world for war would…