Category: Uncategorized

  • Matthew 24:25

    Matthew 24:25   Jesus is not saying that He had told them these things before. He is saying that He was telling them these things beforehand. This message is for this entire age. We must not be fooled by the deceptions of the devil. Christ will not return the way He left in the sense that…

  • Matthew 24:24

    Matthew 24:24   The convincing works of the false prophets of this world will be overshadowed only by the lying wonders of the antichrist, beast, and false prophet of Revelation. Jesus makes it clear that the deceptions of the devil will be more than enough to take in the entire unsaved world. Bible Reading: Esther 4:1-8:17 Scripture…

  • Matthew 24:23

    Matthew 24:23   There is no reason to look for Jesus. The disciples wanted to know the sings of His coming. But what he is revealing to them is that, though there will be signs of the time of His coming, there will be no way of knowing exactly when He will come. We need not…

  • Matthew 24:22

    Matthew 14:22   Though again we know that the destruction of Jerusalem was quite terrible, the reference here to ‘all flesh’ tells us Jesus is referring ultimately to a yet future judgement. Though the end will be terrible, it will be relatively brief. Bible Reading: Nehemiah 11:1-12:47 Scripture Memory: James 3:2 “For in many things we offend…

  • Matthew 24:21

    Matthew 24:21   Though this verse can be easily seen to apply to the destruction of Jerusalem, it is sure that the Great Tribulation will overshadow even the horror of that event. One need only look at the judgement to be poured out according to the Revelation in order to see this. So, if the destruction…

  • Matthew 24:20

    Matthew 24:20   Travel in the winter would be quite inconvenient. Also, travel on the Sabbath might be a hindrance to the Jews, or Jewish and Gentile Christians. They would not want to go that far on that day, and thus would hesitate at first to set out. Bible Reading: Nehemiah 5:1-7:73 Scripture Memory: James 3:2 “For…

  • Matthew 24:19

    Matthew 24:19   They will likely be unable to move fast enough if they are caring for the very young at the time. Though we see here the sensitivity of Christ towards these, he does not exempt them from being included. The tribulation which will be brought upon this world by the wrath of Almighty God…

  • Matthew 24:18

    Matthew 24:18   Once again this verse, like the previous one, is advice for urgency. Those living in that part of the world at the time were wont to take off some of their clothing and lay it nearby when they were ploughing or doing some other heavy labor in the field. These Jesus says should…

  • Matthew 24:17

    Matthew 24:17   Many of the homes in Jesus’ day had a roof where people would do many different activities. Often there were steps leading to this roof from the ground level. So, you could actually leave the home without ‘going in’ to the bottom floor. Obviously, nowadays we don’t usually hang out on the roof…

  • Matthew 24:16

    Matthew 24:16   This was very practical advice for those who would be alive for the destruction of the Jewish heartland in AD 70. Indeed, many Christians heeded this warning and avoided death in this way. However, there will be yet another time when this advice should be heeded. When the antichrist sets up his own…