Category: Uncategorized

  • Matthew 24:35

    Matthew 24:35   What Jesus is trying to tell us here is that His words are more sure than the very world around us as we know it. This prophecy of His will outlast the current course of the world. Heaven and earth shall drastically change before any of His words would fail to come to…

  • Matthew 24:34

    Matthew 24:34   The meaning of this verse has been explained in various and sundry ways. However, the key here is the word generation. Generation can mean a couple of things. It can refer to a time period, or it can refer to a group of people. On the one hand, the time period for the…

  • Matthew 24:33

    Matthew 24:33   When the time grows near these signs will make it apparent. The exact time will not be known. It is because of this that many will not believe. They think He will never return, and they continue in their sin because of it. But, it is possible to know what time it is…

  • Matthew 24:32

    Matthew 24:32   The parable of the fig tree has caused no end of speculation as to its intended meaning. However, the purpose of the fig tree parable is to remind the disciples of the purpose of prophecy. The purpose of prophecy is to let us know what time it is. This is what Jesus is…

  • Matthew 24:31

    Matthew 24:31   Though it would be easy to tie this verse to the rapture, that is not what Jesus seems to be referencing here. This gathering is in connection with His second coming, not the rapture, even thought he rapture will occur around this same time. This is one of the important points in end-times…

  • Matthew 24:30

    Matthew 24:30   There will be no mistake about the second coming of Christ. All will see Him. The sign that is here mentioned is not explained. We don’t know exactly what that sign will be. Though it seems likely that Christ Himself is the sign they shall see. There will be great sadness among the…

  • Matthew 24:29

    Matthew 24:29   Any attempt to apply this verse to the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD will fail. This is proof of the fact that, though Jesus does answer their first question, He focuses on their second and third. This darkening and calamity do not have to be taken figuratively. The judgments of the end…

  • Matthew 24:28

    Matthew 24:28   Carrion is easily spotted by those birds that make it their meal. Jesus is signifying a couple of things here. First, the Jews would experience great slaughter at the hand of the Romans. However, this has been true several times since then in history as well. Second, when Jesus arrives the best way…

  • Matthew 24:27

    Matthew 24:27   In other words, just as the lightning cannot be controlled, predicted, or totally prepared for, the time and manner of Jesus’ arrival will be out of our ability to forecast. We know about it what we need to know. And that is simply that we must be as prepared as possible before that…

  • Matthew 24:26

    Matthew 24:26   The orthodox of the Jewish nation are still looking for the Messiah today. And, when they think they have found him, Jesus here warns us that they, as well as others, will be quite convinced that this impostor is the Messiah. He is helping us to understand ahead of time what will happen.…