Matthew 24:44 It seems that we still miss the point Christ is making even today. We have a preoccupation with when He will come. Yet, we seem to do very little to prepare for the fact that He is coming. It is as if the reality of it is stronger for us if we think…
Matthew 24:43 Jesus has no intention of revealing the exact moment of His arrival. By this He lulls the wicked (demons and men) into a state of security. Thinking He will not return soon, the devil will not know what hit him. When Jesus returns to this earth, it will not be pleasant for the…
Matthew 24:42 This is Jesus’ desire for us. If it were God’s will for us to know the exact timing of things, He would have revealed that. As it is, He wants us to stand ready. This is a commentary on how our spiritual lives are to be lived. We should not be lax, but…
Matthew 24:41 It is amazing to think that, though there are so many warnings, many will not heed. The day of judgement will come, regardless of the readiness of humanity. Indeed, it seems that for all the prophecy of Scripture people miss mostly the fact that prophecy is Jesus’ plan for the future. And there…
Not feeling well today. No post. Will resume tomorrow.
Matthew 24:40 Again we have a verse that, though one might try to apply it to the destruction of Jerusalem, fits only with the second coming. When Jesus comes some will be taken out of the world to judgment at that time. So, to be left would be a good thing. Bible Reading: Psalm 19:1-24:10 Scripture…
Matthew 24:39 And they knew not. That is the sad commentary! They knew not because they did not want to know. They would not hear. They refused to see. They perished, not just in sin, but in sinful rebellion to the truth. We are all bad. That comes with being human. But we need not…
Matthew 24:38 There is nothing necessarily wrong with the actions described here. Though, to be sure, eating and marrying can be done incorrectly, that is not what is in view here. People in Noah’s day were very evil. Their eating and other activities, were likely stretched to extremes of sinful behavior. But, the focus here…
Matthew 24:37 In the days of Jonah mankind had not a care for Almighty God. Evil, evil, and more evil, was the rule of the day in that time. No matter what beliefs and religions and such that they had, they were all willfully immoral, willfully ignorant, and willfully godless. They went about their lives…
Matthew 24:36 The exact timing of these events is not known. In other words, Jesus’ prophecy is not intended to give us the exact day and moment of His coming, but to prepare us for its reality. Bible Reading: Job 38:1-40:24 Scripture Memory: James 3:7 “For every kind of beasts, and of birds, and of serpents,…