Category: Uncategorized

  • Matthew 25:1

    Matthew 25:1   We see the word ‘then’ and ask, when? The answer, based on where we are in Christ’s discourse form the last chapter, is that this is concerning the time of the second coming. The arrival of the bridegroom would be the second coming itself. Thus, this does not directly address us in this…

  • Matthew 24:51

    Matthew 24:51   This is one of many places in the Bible where we see the reality of the final judgement. Though Jesus will ‘cut asunder’ these hypocrites, He will place them with others like them and there shall be anguish as a result. This is not the description of annihilation, but of the continued eternal…

  • Matthew 24:50

    Matthew 24:50   The suddenness of the coming of the Lord is a part of the judgement of God. His wrath will come as in a moment. This is His design and plan for what He will do. For those who are already prepared for the program of the Christ, this is no problem, but for…

  • Matthew 24:49

    Matthew 24:49   One of the most important elements of the Christian life is the sense of the presence of Christ. Jesus is always with us. This much He promised to us when He left for heaven. Now this is not some kind of out-of-body float around our head manifestation of a ghost of Christ or…

  • Matthew 24:48

    Matthew 24:48   The attitude of individuals towards Christ makes all the difference. This evil servant represents those who, knowing the truth of God’s Word, fail to take it seriously. Keep in mind here that Jesus is referring to His second coming at this particular point. There will be manifest evidences of the coming of Christ…

  • Matthew 24:47

    Matthew 24:47   The New Testament makes it clear in several places that faithfulness will be rewarded in the life to come. We are indeed, saved by grace, plus nothing and minus nothing, but our works serve as evidence of that faith. Our good works in the present time are being watched by Almighty God. Jesus…

  • Matthew 24:46

    Matthew 24:46   There are a few places in the gospels where Jesus offers a blessing yet future. Oh to receive that blessing! Whatever of the blessings of Christ that might be ours should be coveted much by our hearts. We should stay busy in the Lord’s work, such that when He comes to us He…

  • Matthew 24:45

    Matthew 24:45   Thus, prophecy concerning the coming the coming of Christ should cause greater commitment to His service. Unfortunately, it seems many enjoy studying the prophecy, but do not like so much to serve. Faithfulness and wisdom are hallmarks of those whose lives have been touched by the power of Christ. His work in us…

  • I have an upper respiratory infection and some lower chest congestion. I will not be posting for a couple of days. Jesus is Lord, and He’s coming soon! Praise the name of The Christ!

  • No post for today. Recovering from being sick most of the week. Will resume tomorrow.