Category: Uncategorized

  • Matthew 25:11

    Matthew 25:11   Many will cry Lord, Lord in that day and not be heeded. Indeed, there are many today that think they are the servants of God, and yet they will not be admitted to heaven. Why? Because Jesus is mean? No. Because He is just. Only those who are His may enter that blessed…

  • Matthew 25:10

    Matthew 25:10   The door was shut. Perhaps if we had to summarize Jesus’ entire discourse here we cold do it with these words. The door was shut. Nothing more. No more chance to get in. No more opening. It is done, and there is no going back. Though it may seem a long time, soon…

  • Matthew 25:9

    Matthew 25:9   There is no way in which the lost may ride upon the merits of the saved. Some think that because they know a godly person they can then somehow derive merit from this relationship and be ‘OK’ before the Holy God. But, this simply will not do. Each individual must turn to the…

  • Matthew 25:8

    Matthew 25:8   Some may ask how that those who are unprepared know to ask of the ones who are. However, this is not at all surprising. It is quite a common thing for the children of this world to recognize the children of God and their testimony. Then, as a result of that, the children…

  • Matthew 25:7

    Matthew 25:7   Will we be ready for the rapture? Will we be prepared for the second coming after that? The message of Christ is to be ready always. To be busy about His service is the best preparation. When can then simply continue to serve in his presence. Bible Reading: Psalm 132:1-137:9 Scripture Memory: James 3:14…

  • Matthew 25:6

    Matthew 25:6   Notice the suddenness of the call. There was no time to prepare now. The bridegroom was present. He was on His way, and there was nothing to do but to go to meet Him. The time to be ready had come and gone. So it is. Jesus will come, and those who are…

  • Matthew 25:5

    Matthew 25:5   While in this world, the difference between the righteous and the unrighteous is not always immediately apparent. On the surface, it may seem, there is quite a bit of similarity among all persons. However, this is only because that the righteous must live in this present evil world. The similarities end there. There…

  • Matthew 25:4

    Matthew 25:4   Though the world sees it as foolishness, there is much comfort in the prepared state of the Christian life. When we live a prepared life, a life that is always in tune with the eternal, we are ready for every eventuality. Death may not take us unprepared. Judgment may not fall upon us.…

  • Matthew 25:3

    Matthew 25:3   There are many who begin in Christ, but are yet not His. They start out in the right way. They think they have the Spirit. They presume that they are right with God. They live better than they had. They say all the right words and do all the right things. Yet their…

  • Matthew 25:2

    Matthew 25:2   In our day we have so many who would think that Jesus is on their side. They define Jesus their own way. Thus, their foolishness never becomes a burden to them as it should. They live in denial, thinking that the judge of all the earth is happy with them. But, obviously, Jesus…