Matthew 25:21 The essence of what the servant’s master says here is that the same faithfulness that is required to do a small job is needed for a big one. Because he could trust the man with five talents, he was more likely know to trust him with a much larger amount. And this is…
Matthew 25:20 This servant comes with a full understanding that all these talents belong to his master. And yet, there is a certain amount of ownership in the responsibility and faithful working practiced by this servant. his attitude is one of a trusted employee who performs well in the business and is above board and…
Matthew 25:19 Though I would not for a minute try to suggest that the Lord is not coming soon, here we have the statement that the Lord returned after a long time. This simply tells me that from our standpoint, it will seem like a long time. For the Lord, of course we know that it…
Matthew 25:18 This servant recognized that he had been given something, but thought it not a genuine gift. He instead treated it as a liability rather than an asset. This was his sin. Disobedience was in his heart from the very beginning. His attitude towards his lord was not right. Rather than doing what he…
Matthew 25:17 The words ‘likewise’ and ‘also’ are important in this verse. This shows us that the same kind of obedience drove both of these persons. The man with five talents and the man with two, regardless of their endowment’s size, gained the same measure. They experienced a 100% increase. They doubled their money, so…
Matthew 25:16 This man did something with what he had. This is the key. It’s not so much about how much he had, but what he did with it. It was about his obedience. He understood what was expected, and he did it. That is really what this is about. In context we are comparing…
Matthew 25:15 These talents given to each servant relate to the opportunity of a person’s life. Many have become confused here. Do not. The Lord knows what He gives to each and why. The focus here is not on the ammount, but on the attitude. Obedience is the bottom line, not simply wise investment strategies.…
Matthew 25:14 Jesus gives us these pictures of His plans for the future. And yet, we seem to think that they don’t apply to us. We think somehow that He is not watching what we do. But, indeed, He is, and He knows what we are doing with what He has given to us. May…
Matthew 25:13 This is the whole point. The exact day and hour will not be known. To be ready always is the lesson, and this should be our condition before the rapture, and before the second coming as is discussed here. Those who try to set a date are being foolish. It is a surprise!…
Matthew 25:12 Jesus knows who are His. He does not miss a single one. He hears every repentant cry. He helps every lost sinner that comes to Him humbly seeking salvation. He will not be found mistaken. Those who are not His will have no just cause to complain. All they who are not in…