Matthew 25:31 The coming referred to here is the second coming of Christ. Not only the holy angels but also saints shall be returning with Him at this time. The throne of his glory is describing His actual physical throne which He will sit on during His millennial reign on this earth. This judgment immediately follows…
Matthew 25:30 There can be no doubt that Jesus means to say this man is cast into hell. Because of this, it is important to understand that the talents referred to parallel with anything that any person is given from God. In other words, they represent knowledge, gifts, abilities, opportunities, and so forth that the…
Matthew 25:29 Notice that of the one who had little it is said that he had not. What does this mean? Because he did not obey, it is altogether as if he had not anything to begin with. Thus, again, the point here is obedience. Jesus is looking for those who truly love Him. Bible…
Matthew 25:28 This principle is one of the hallmarks of Christ’s teaching. Those who have little will loose what they have, and those who have much will gain yet more. Why is this? Because it is not about how much You have, but what you do with it. Bible Reading: Isaiah 14:1-18:7 Scripture Memory: James 4:4…
Matthew 25:27 Regardless of how much the man was given, he might have made at least a marginal profit. The talent could have been invested at the bank, and though this would likely produce a lower return than the other servants generated, it would have been easy enough to achieve. Thus, the master shows how…
Matthew 25:26 Notice that the servant is called wicked and slothful. Both of these things stem from the confessed knowledge of the servant. He was wicked because his attitude was wrong in spite of his knowledge. He was slothful because his actions were wrong in spite of his knowledge. Notice also that the master admits…
Matthew 25:25 This seals it. The man says he was afraid. This is the spirit that works in the children of iniquity. The spirit of fear. A child of the devil can have no other spirit, for that is all the devil can offer. He was afraid, and fear kept him from blessing. That is…
Matthew 25:24 There is much here. Like the other men, he called his master lord, and yet, he did not act as if that was his true position. Indeed, he presumes to explain his precise knowledge of the master, and yet we can detect a hint of disloyalty which becomes apparent as he explains his…
Matthew 25:23 This is what all of God’s faithful servants want to hear at the end of their lives. It makes this journey here on earth worth every minute of it. No task is too great for the ‘well done’ of the master! Bible Reading: Ecclesiastes 11:1-Song of Solomon 4:16 Scripture Memory: James 4:3 “Ye ask,…
Matthew 25:22 Just like the previous man, this servant gives a good and honest accounting of his activities. He was not slothful, and gained just as much as the other in that he doubled what he had. I have often thought that this is quite a testimony to the kind of effectiveness that we may…