Category: Uncategorized

  • Matthew 26:4

    Matthew 26:4   Of course the only reason that they wanted to do this subtly was because of their fear of the people at large. They did not dare take Him out in public. They wanted to catch Him in private and move Him through a trial very quickly, minimizing the chance for a public reaction.…

  • Matthew 26:3

    Matthew 26:3   This location was an abnormal one for this particular kind of business. However, given the character of the Jewish leaders as we find it in the gospels, they may have used it often when a certain level of privacy was desired. This kind of meeting is conducive to off-the-record shenanigans. Bible Reading: Jeremiah 37:1-40:16…

  • Matthew 26:2

    Matthew 26:2   How appropriate is it that Jesus is to be betrayed to die at the very same time that the Jews were celebrating their deliverance from death? The Passover of course commemorates the time when the death angel passed over the homes of the Jews living in Egypt. As God poured out the last…

  • Matthew 26:1

    Matthew 26:1   Please notice that the proceeding chapters come towards the end of Jesus’ earthly ministry. His disciples had been with Him quite some time. As a result, they had already heard, and come to understand, many of His other teachings. Only at the end do they hear all of this prophecy. Notice also the…

  • Matthew 25:46

    Matthew 25:46   Though it is not by works that we are saved, there is a very real sense in which our obedience to the Lord is what Salvation is all about. Though we should be careful not to make a final judgement ourselves, we may never teach that disobedience is the path to life. Salvation…

  • Matthew 25:45

    Matthew 25:45   The right balance here is to do what we do for the sake of Christ. All that is done for others must be done for Him. Simply doing good works, or simply being ‘good’ people, is not enough. Jesus teaches us to do things for Him, and in doing that, we do for…

  • Matthew 25:44

    Matthew 25:44   You can see here the incredulity. The first group we see here judged may be characterized by humility, the second by pride. The first group does not feel worthy to be rewarded, whereas this second group will not fail to think themselves worthy of honor. They think all along that they have done…

  • Sick

    I’m sick. I hope to resume posting in a day or two. Have a blessed day!

  • Matthew 25:43

    Matthew 25:43   For many even now Christianity is seen as something that Jesus teaches us how to do. In other words, He is an example and teacher only. He shows us how to live right. Though all of this is true, it is only partly true. Jesus is the very person of salvation. Christianity is…

  • Matthew 25:42

    Matthew 25:42   Once again, though doing good works for others is very important, notice what Jesus is saying here. These people may have indeed fed the hungry. But, they did not feed the hungry that God would have them to feed. Just doing good deeds is not enough. We must do the will of the…