Category: Uncategorized

  • Mark 4:5

    Mark 4:5   This is those who make quick professions. They see the offer of the gospel on the face of it without really taking the time to consider the implications and details. They react quickly and simply.   Though we do make an ‘all at once’ choice when we get saved, there is a process proceeding…

  • Mark 4:4

    Mark 4:4   This parable is about how the Word of God is responded to. In this verse we see that, whenever the gospel is preached, there will be those who simply do not hear at all. They are the way side. The gospel is lost on them. It has no effect, takes no root, and…

  • Mark 4:3

    Mark 4:3   Notice how Jesus always gets people’s attention at the beginning of his discourses. He makes it clear that what he is about to say is important. As ministers of the gospel, we should be ever so humble, but our message is of great significance. Though the minister be humble, the message is to be…

  • Mark 4:2

    Mark 4:2   We are reminded here once again that Jesus used parables. A parable is of course a story that illustrates a doctrinal truth. Jesus was teaching in his doctrine is it says here. This means not only that he was teaching the doctrine that he was getting across to the people, that is, of the…

  • Mark 4:1

    Mark 4:1   Only in recent years has our public speaking changed quite a bit because of the use of sound amplification equipment. Traditionally, ancient and even more modern public speaking was done in such a way as to help the listening audience follow what was being said. In many cases, it might be difficult for those…

  • Mark 3:35

    Mark 3:35   Again, Jesus is not undermining the family. Instead, he is simply establishing the fact that everything must be built upon our relationship with Almighty God. No matter whether it be our flesh and blood family, our relationship to other believers, our relationship to the world around us, our relationship to creation, or any…

  • Mark 3:34

    Mark 3:34   It is important for us to remember that Jesus is the one who created the family to begin with. And, here, he is not undermining the existence of the family. However, he is explaining to the people for the first time the reality of the family of God. Though the Jews did understand this…

  • Mark 3:33

    Mark 3:33   As always, Jesus was looking to teach a very important lesson here. Bible Reading: Hebrews 11:1-13:25 Scripture Memory: 1 John 1:5 “This then is the message which we have heard of him, and declare unto you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all.” Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank you for…

  • Mark 3:32

    Mark 3:32   Although it is hard to be certain, it seems that Jesus’ relationship with his immediate family may have been somewhat strained during his ministry. To be sure this was not do to any failure on his part. But, it seems that, at this time, his family (or at least his brothers) did not…

  • Mark 3:31

    Mark 3:31   Jesus’ earthly family was slow to understand his ministry. This was probably due to his humility. They would have expected the Messiah to manifest himself differently. But, as we know, God’s ways are not our ways. Bible Reading: Hebrews 4:1-7:28 Scripture Memory: 1 John 1:3 “That which we have seen and heard declare we…