Category: Uncategorized

  • He related a parable to them that it is necessary for men to always pray, and not lose heart. Luke 18:1 This is one of the precious teachings of Christ in which He brings up the subject. It is always somehting to take note of when Jesus is intentional. Here we see that Luke shares…

  • In response they said to Him, “Where, Lord?” He said back to them, “Wherever the body is, there the vultures gather.” Luke 17:37 Jesus does not answer with a specific place. This is prophecy. We can see that very clearly by the wording Jesus uses. What he does do is answer the question, just not…

  • Two will be in the field; one will be taken, and the other, left. Luke 17:36 These two will be working together out in the crops. One is taken away and the other is not. And so we undesrtand that the repetition of the same scenario is meant for emphasis. Close association is not assurance…

  • Two at Work

    Two will be grinding in the same place; one will be taken, and the other left. Luke 17:35 Here again we do not have the gender in the Greek. The emphasis here is not on who is grinding, but the fact that these individuals are workng together and yet will be divided up. In this…

  • In One Bed

    I say to you, there will be two in one bed; one will be taken and the other left. Luke 17:34 In some translations one may find that this is translated “two men” in one bed. The gender of the individuals is not identified in the Greek. Most likely this is speaking of a husband…

  • The one who seeks to save his life will lose it, and the one who loses it will rescue it. Luke 17:33 For many, life is actually made up of all the things, freedoms, and conditions that are valued as a part of a happy human life. But these things are not life. The Lord…

  • Remember Lot’s wife. Luke 17:32 The judgement of God should be feared above all else. The reminder of Lot’s wife here serves as a warning to any who would hesitate if given a prior notice of the coming calamity. Heavenly Father, thank You for the comfort of Your Word! Though we are imperfect in our…

  • In that day, the one who is on the housetop, and his things in the house, do not let him go down to pick them up. And the one who is in the field, likewise do not let him not turn back. Luke 17:31 When the judgement of the Lord is coming, there is no…

  • Just Like That

    It will be just like that in the day of the coming of the Son of Man. Luke 17:30 We like to tell ourselves that everyone will know when Jesus is coming the second time. But few, if any, will. The Lord’s timetable is a mystery to all but the faithful. Heavenly Father, thank You…

  • The Very Day

    But the day Lot went out from Sodom, it rained fire and sulphur from heaven, and destroyed all of them; Luke 17:29 Rain can come unexpectedly. The meteorologists try to predict it, but even then one must hear the warning. This rain was even more sudden and unexpected, as well as different. Heavenly Father, You…