Category: Uncategorized

  • Mark 5:22

    Mark 5:22   This man who comes to Jesus is a ruler of the synagogue. He understood the political implications of Christ. He knew that Jesus wasn’t approved of by many of the affluent in the Jewish community. But, he comes anyway. And why? Because he also knows that only Jesus can help him. Nobody else…

  • Mark 5:21

    Mark 5:21   Regardless of how many places the truth is thrown out of, there will always be those waiting to hear. The multitudes thronged to Christ. Yes, this following waned later. However, the message of the gospel can always find a home somewhere. As long as the Spirit is at work, the message will continue…

  • Mark 5:20

    Mark 5:20   Decapolis was the region in which Gadara was situated. So, this man was faithful in that he went to his home area as a missionary. Not only did he publish the story of what Christ had done to his family and friends, but he spread it much abroad. Numbers 32:1-33:56 1 John 4:20…

  • Mark 5:19

    Mark 5:19   Jesus enlists a great missionary on this day. Though the man would go with him, there was much work to do in his own back yard. Jesus knew that, though he would not be accepted by these people, this man might be a great influence among them.   Notice how he words his directions…

  • Mark 5:18

    Mark 5:18   Notice how quickly Jesus moves to leave. They come and ask him to leave, and he goes right away. But, the demoniac still catches him. Why? Why does Jesus move so quickly? Jesus had done a great work among these people, and yet they were moving to have him out of their territory.…

  • Mark 5:17

    Mark 5:17   Please notice that this was not in their best interest. Her they had Someone among them for the first time that had more power and authority than the spirits of evil that harassed their country. Beyond this, this Divine Person had the truth they needed to bring them out of darkness.   But, the…

  • Mark 5:16

    Mark 5:16   Everybody heard about all of it. Isn’t that the way it always is? Only the story doesn’t get told right, and it gets all blown askew. Numbers 22:1-24:25 1 John 4:1 “Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into…

  • Mark 5:15

    Mark 5:15   The superstitious have a tendency to be afraid about anything that they do not understand. The devil, and his minions, held great sway in this region because of the superstition that was there. These people were influenced by the circumstances of the demoniac before and after his deliverance by Christ. This was due…

  • Mark 5:14

    Mark 5:14   Jesus was no stranger to trouble, and here the demons cause some. However, this was their doing, and not his. Those involved realized that Jesus could not be held responsible for what had happened to the swine, but that it had happened as a result of his deliverance of the demoniac. Numbers 16:1-18:32…

  • Mark 5:13

    Mark 5:13   There was very little that the demons could do to discredit Christ, and they knew it. So, their choice of the pigs and the drowning of them was their effort to make the most of it. Satanic schemes are often simply more than laughter during destruction. The devil himself knows he is going…