Category: Uncategorized

  • Mark 5:32

    Mark 5:32   Jesus took time with people. He was not rushed when it came to helping, but wanted to speak to people and talks to them about their situation. Deuteronomy 30:1-32:52 1 John 5:10 He that believeth on the Son of God hath the witness in himself: he that believeth not God hath made him…

  • Mark 5:31

    Mark 5:31   Wouldn’t ‘We don’t know.’ work alright? Ah, but this fits well with our sinful nature. We don’t want to be out of the loop. We don’t want to miss anything. We want to be in the know. So, we insult those that we know are better than we are.   Jesus’ words would be…

  • Mark 5:30

    Mark 5:30     It has been my opinion that we have in this verse a very unique statement. I would not expect this to be said of anyone but the Lord himself. Any Christian who was in some way involved in the healing of the sick might know that something had happened by being told by…

  • Mark 5:29

    Mark 5:29   She immediately knew there was a difference. Instantly, what she had struggled with for so long was now a non-issue.   We must often ask ourselves, after the Lord has done something amazing for us, how should I respond? If you will at least ask the question, you are on the right track. The…

  • Mark 5:28

    Mark 5:28   Though others had this thought as well, this stands as a testimony to her faith. There was obviously no doubt in her mind that Jesus was able to help her. Deuteronomy 18:1-21:23 1 Jon 5:6 “This is he that came by water and blood, even Jesus Christ; not by water only, but by…

  • Mark 5:27

    Mark 5:27   She had tried so many things yet she immediately comes to Jesus as soon as she hears of him. And, she comes with full faith that he could heal her. She knew that he could heal her and that he could do it so easily that all she needed was to touch him.  …

  • Mark 5:26

    Mark 5:26   This is one of the most lengthy descriptions of a malady in the gospels. It is quite interesting to study how that some things are explained in more detail than others. There is about as much said about this as about the condition of the man possessed by Legion.   Indeed, Mark was not…

  • Mark 5:25

    Mark 5:25   This malady would likely be something that not many people would have known about. Or, if anyone did, it would be extremely embarrassing for this woman. Her condition would keep her from operating normally in Jewish society. Deuteronomy 8:1-10:22 1 John 5:4 For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this…

  • Mark 5:24

    Mark 5:24   Jesus is trying to minister to this man, and he is thronged by others. Everyone wants a piece of him. They all want their time to be healed. Yet, how many of these would throng to his teaching? Yes, multitudes heard, but the crowds dwindled as he taught. The perceived value of his…

  • Mark 5:23

    Mark 5:23It is interesting to note that in some cases Jesus heals from a distance. In others, he heals by going to the place where the sick person is. In this case, Jairus asked him specifically to come and lay hands on his daughter. It was not necessary for Jesus to do this, but it…