Mark 5:42 Being 12 years old, this girl was ready to get back to living. Older persons might sit and reflect upon the events of the day a little bit longer. But not her, she was ready to get back to moving and living and loving her parents and doing things. Indeed, as a girl…
Mark 5:41 We’re not exactly sure what language Jesus spoke regularly. However there is great likelihood that this Aramaic, or Syriac, that he uses to speak to the little girl here was his chosen tongue. In any case, many in that region would have spoken Greek. So Jesus would have spoken Aramaic and Greek. It…
Mark 5:40 There is a great contrast between Christ and a false prophet. Those who would make a show of healing, or doing some great miracle, might try to make a big deal out of it. But the Lord Jesus does the opposite. This is because he truly was going to do a miracle. Something…
Mark 5:39 Though some have tried to argue the point, the girl was indeed dead. However, this is not the only time that Jesus refers to the dead as sleeping. To understand this, we need to consider two things. For one thing, we know that the early Christian church adopted the same kind of language…
Mark 5:38 Our ideas of mourning and grieving here in America are much different from what one might find many other places in the world. Indeed, heathen lands have quite strange practices in connection with death. In the case of the Jews under Roman rule, an influential man such as Jairus would have certain expectations…
Mark 5:37 This was his inner circle. Among his disciples, they were the ones he trusted the most. Joshua 13:1-15:63 1 John 5:15 “And if we know that he hear us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired of him.” Heavenly Father, thank you for this day to serve…
Mark 5:36 Notice if you will the contrast of fear and belief. Usually it would not be fear, but sorrow that would overtake a father at this point, having just heard of his daughter’s death. But Jesus tells him not to fear. Why? Because he was preempting the feelings of sorrow by highlighting thier source.…
Mark 5:35 Those who do not understand Christ will always try to limit his ability to help them. As far as these people were concerned, death was a barrier Jesus could not cross. This reveals that they misunderstood how Jesus was able to do all that he did. Joshua 7:1-9:27 1 John 5:13 “These things…
Mark 5:34 This admonition he wanted to give to her. Though the healing had taken place, he wanted her to understand why and how. Isn’t this just like the Lord? He has saved our souls, yet he still works to help us understand what has happened. Joshua 3:1-6:27 1 John 5:12 “He that hath the…
Mark 5:33 She was in a very vulnerable state. Being a woman in that society was already a shameful position. She could not expect to be allowed to address the master. Beyond this, her condition was shameful and was not ‘safe’ for the public.This is why she responds with trepidation. But, as was so often…