Category: Uncategorized

  • Mark 6:39

    Mark 6:39   Notice the effort put forth here. Jesus wants his disciples to ensure the orderliness of this meal. The people were hungry, and their was to be no squabbling. Nobody would be hurt,or left out, due to the size of the crowd. This was not to be like the manna in the wilderness in…

  • Mark 6:38

    Mark 6:38   This miracle is often misunderstood because Jesus used existing food and multiplied it. Could he have made bread out of thin air? Certainly. But, he didn’t do it that way. There was a lesson in the method. Indeed, with Jesus there is always a lesson somewhere. He doesn’t do miracles just to do…

  • Mark 6:37

    Mark 6:37   The exact ammount here mentioned may have been selected for a couple of reasons. For one, that may be about the amount they had in the bag at the time. For another, it may have been seen as a large amount. In other words, it would be like us saying, ‘all the money…

  • Mark 6:36

    Mark 6:36   The disciples try to solve the problem. Men are always solving a problem. But, their solution is incomplete. The lateness of the hour would prevent this multitude from successfully securing food that evening. Though many might find food, many would go hungry. 2 Kings 9:1-11:21 James 2:9 But if ye have respect to…

  • Mark 6:35

    Mark 6:35   It was getting late. It is hard to know exactly what time, but the time was late enough that the people would not have been able to get home without risking having to walk in the night. 2 Kings 6:1-8:29 James 2:8 If ye fulfil the royal law according to the scripture, Thou shalt…

  • Mark 6:34

    Mark 6:34   This perception on the part of Christ is something that we would not normally think of. We think of ourselves in such an independent light, that we think we need no shepherd. Though individuality is good, ultimately mankind is intended to have a head. There is supposed to be a Guide to show…

  • Mark 6:33

    Mark 6:33   It is amazing to see so many flock to him at this time, and yet he ends up being crucified. Indeed, it is important to understand exactly why the events of the life of Christ lead to the cross. Of course, there are many reasons relating to our salvation, and the universal plan…

  • Mark 6:32

    Mark 6:32   It is not a coincidence that Jesus picked among his disciples men who could handle a ship. He knew what he was doing when he selected them. 1 Kings 20:1-21:29 James 2:5 Hearken, my beloved brethren, Hath not God chosen the poor of this world rich in faith, and heirs of the kingdom…

  • Mark 6:31

    Mark 6:31   Scoffers might say that Jesus obviously did not know that the crowd would follow him, and that his followers would have no good chance to rest. Ah, but what did it teach his followers, to say that they needed to rest? Do we fail to remember that God rested on the seventh day…

  • Mark 6:30

    Mark 6:30   It is very important for Christian ministers to consider the fact that teaching should always accompany our ministry activity. Many times we have ministers who are very busy in ministry, but they never actually pointedly teach anything.   Though Saint Francis of Assisi says to teach by actions, it seems Jesus would say act…