Category: Uncategorized

  • Mark 7:12

    Mark 7:12   This was related to their ideas about vows. The ‘corban’ rule was a vow to give something to God. This meant that they saw the vow as having more weight than the law. Job 14:1-16:22 James 3:15 This wisdom descendeth not from above, but is earthly, sensual, devilish. Heavenly Father, your commands are a…

  • Mark 7:11

    Mark 7:11   This is one of the most hypocritical law modifications that the elders invented. The traditions said that there was an exception to the rule of caring for aged parents. A man could have the means to help, but decide to dedicate that money or other thing to God. As a result, this was…

  • Mark 7:10

    Mark 7:10   The force of this command must be understood in order to connect it to Jesus’ comments about the ‘Corban’ rule in the next few verses. What this command is expressing is carried over into the new testament and is expressed eloquently by Paul in 1 Timothy 5:8, 16. As in Mark, the concept…

  • Vacation

    I’m taking a one week break from blogging for vacation. Have a great week!

  • Mark 7:9

    Mark 7:9   A very ironic reality! The traditions of the Jews had tied them down to all kinds of rules and regulations. Yet, the law of God, which would do them the most good to keep, was shoved aside by the traditions. Thus, they had come to to understand God’s laws wrongly, and had created…

  • Mark 7:8

    Mark 7:8Jesus was about to explain to them how the traditions, rather than fulfilling the law, had marginalized it. Their observance of the hand washing regulations was very strict, yet many other things were falling through the cracks because of the teaching found in their traditions. Ezra 8:1-10:44 James 3:11 Doth a fountain send forth…

  • Mark 7:7

    Mark 7:7   Jesus doesn’t deny their devotion to their ritualism, but the lack of efficacy in it. This link between doctrine and wortship is very important. Many would say today that our doctrine matters little when it comes to worship. But, that is the furthest thing from the truth. Ezra 4:1-7:28  James 3:10 Out of the…

  • Mark 7:6

    Mark 7:6   The Jews had found ways to make themselves look and seem pious outwardly. Their traditions were designed to give them a feeling of holiness through works, regardless of their heart’s condition. Ezra 2:1-3:13 James 3:9 Therewith bless we God, even the Father; and therewith curse we men, which are made after the similitude of…

  • Mark 7:5

    Mark 7:5These men freely admitted that these rules came from the Jewish teachers, and not from the law. But, they assumed that this made no difference, thinking that obedience to the traditions was to be taken as a sign of compliance with God’s law. 2 Chronicles 35:1-Ezra 1:11 James 3:8 But the tongue can no…

  • Mark 7:4

    Mark 7:4   The ceremonial cleansing is here explained in fairly specific detail. The gospel of Mark does not have the plainly Jewish flavor of Matthew or Luke, but is written more to the gentiles than the Jews. Thus, this explanation is very helpful to those who would otherwise be unfamiliar with these regulations. 2 Chronicles…