Category: Uncategorized

  • Mark 8:4

    Mark 8:4   This is the standard throw your hands up in the air response. In other words, nobody expects us to feed them, because we can’t. Besides, it’s impossible. So, this doubt involves disbelief in Jesus’ ability as well as his character. They were saying, Lord you are nice to say it, but you don’t…

  • Mark 8:3

    Mark 8:3   It is so precious to read this verse and hear the thinking of the Lord Jesus. He was concerned for the people. This is still the heart of ministry, the people. We must have a desire to meet the needs of the needy. But, keep in mind he had already met spiritual needs…

  • Mark 8:2

    Mark 8:2So often we see people coming to Jesus for miracles. Here we get a glimpse into his care personally for the welfare of others. He was not simply a miracle-worker who just did what was asked. No, he is the God of all the universe who cares for the needs of his creation. He…

  • Mark 8:1

    Mark 8:1   Those days here refers to that time in Jesus’ ministry when there was a very large crowd following him. This number lessened later, and was smaller nearer to Jerusalem and the surrounding parts.    Psalm 106:1-107:43 James 5:6 Ye have condemned and killed the just; and he doth not resist you. Heavenly Father, thank…

  • Sick

    Not feeling well, no post today.

  • Mark 7:37

    Mark 7:37   What a commentary upon the greatness of the Lord Jesus Christ! He has indeed done all things well. The amazing nature of his miracles is only a fraction of the amazing wonderfulness of salvation through him. What he has done for our souls can never be over exaggerated. We will spend all of…

  • Mark 7:36

    Mark 7:36Jesus didn’t want people to believe in him as the Messiah only because he did miracles. This is an interesting commentary on our thinking today. Those who would discount miracles completely are obviously wrong. However, Christianity is not just about believing in the supernatural. Animists and idolaters of all stripes do that. Christianity is…

  • Mark 7:35

    Mark 7:35   Immediately he was healed of both his hearing disability and his speech impediment. The nature of Jesus’ miracles is quite genuine. You will not find false messiahs being able to do what he did. Psalm 79:1-84:12 James 5:3 Your gold and silver is cankered; and the rust of them shall be a witness…

  • Mark 7:34

    Mark 7:34The most interesting thing in this verse is Jesus’ sigh. Why would he sigh? Though we know that sin has damaged this world, we don’t have perfect knowledge like Jesus does. He knows what this world would be like without sin. It is only because of sin that these disabilities crop up. Indeed, we…

  • Mark 7:33

    Mark 7:33There is no reason to think there is anything to the way in which Jesus healed this man. There was no prescription in how he touched him. It was the who, and not the how that has the healing power. Jesus healed others in various different ways as far as how he touched them,…