Mark 8:22It’s possible that there were two places called Bethsaida. Anyway, the blind man is brought to Christ most likely by the inhabitants of the place. Although this may refer to the disciples, who the inhabitants would have brought the man to. That it was the locals is more likely, since they beg Jesus to…
Mark 8:21Open-ended questions can be very effective, and this one is no exception. We don’t have the disciples response to this question, but we can imagine that it’s probably about like ours would be. Likely as not, they tried to avoid answering altogether.But, what is the answer, why would they still not understand the Lord’s…
Mark 8:20There have been those who have attempted to make the two feedings one. They say the accounts are confused a bit and there was really only one. This passage completely destroys that theory. Jesus’ words here make it abundantly clear that there were indeed two feedings. Heavenly Father, thank you for your faithfulness! You…
Mark 8:19Why did he ask them about the fragments? Well, this gives us yet another reason why there were leftovers that the Lord had them gather. It served as an evidence to the disciples that this miracle had produced more than enough to supply the needs of the crowd.And why would that matter? It is…
No post today, went to revival at Calvary Baptist Church in Dayton.
Mark 8:18Jesus continues and asks his disciples some of the same questions he had asked the unbelieving Jews. He is saying that anyone with eyes and ears was inexcusable if they had missed the facts. The disciples had seen the truth with their own eyes. They had watched as Jesus multiplied the bread. The had…
Mark 8:17Jesus really gives us a lot in this verse. The key, though, is to see the progression in the thoughts. The callused heart is where we should begin. Jesus asked the first two parts and throws this to the end to give it emphasis.So, the first step to the place of understanding that Jesus…
Mark 8:16The word ‘reasoned’ here gives us a picture of what went on in the boat. Rather than just asking Jesus what he meant, the disciples started talking among themselves, trying to figure it out. Of course, they tried to keep the discussion to themselves.Finally they came to the conclusion that Jesus was rebuking then…
Mark 8:15It is amazing how personable Jesus is! Here is the Sovereign Lord of heaven and earth really sharing his heart with these men, several of whom were not very educated or spiritual at this point. It says here that he charged them. In other words, this was important to him, and he wanted them…
Mark 8:14Why didn’t the disciples have any food? They took up a good amount of leftovers from the feeding of the four thousand. Wouldn’t they have some left? Well, as I have already said, we need not assume that very little time had passed since that feeding. And, more than that, the disciples most likely…