Mark 9:11The scribes were students of the Word, even though they missed the fact that Jesus was indeed the Christ. They were familiar with the end of Malachi. Malachi prophesies that the Messiah would be proceeded by the prophet Elijah. So, they were correct.This question shows that the disciples were understanding now that Jesus was…
Mark 9:10How often do we do the same thing? We wonder about something that the Word of God says, and yet we keep it to ourselves. Rather than asking the Lord to reveal the truth to us, we try to figure it out on our own.Communication of truth to our hearts is a two way…
Mark 9:9This shows us once again that he selected exactly those that he wanted for this experience. The fact is that Jesus teaches against experientialism by these actions. Time and time again he teaches that knowledge is the key. He tries to get his followers to understand Who he is. Just an experience of his…
Mark 9:8There has been some conjecture here as to why they looked ’round about’, but the explanation is simple enough. The proclamation from the clouds caught their attention. It distracted then from Moses and Elijah, and that is why they looked so much for them once God the Father was done speaking. Not seeing them…
Mark 9:7Though this could have been in response to what Peter said, it likely was the plan all along. God the Father’s words here are much similar to what he says at Jesus’ baptism. So, this was once again an intentional verification of the identity of the Christ. Heavenly Father, thank you for your Son,…
Mark 9:6He didn’t know what to say. Well, that’s understandable! This was one of those moments when there really isn’t anything to say. No words would truly be equal to the situation. Nothing could really be said, and nothing really needed to be said.We see there that they were very scared. Why were they so…
Mark 9:5We might well ask what exactly Peter had in mind here? He was beginning to understand Who Jesus is, and his faith was still young. Did he mean to say they should build temples? I don’t think so. Did he mean to say that they should build a permanent shrine here with a place…
Mark 9:4Moses and Elijah are very significant figures from the Old Testament. There has been much speculation as to why these two were the ones to appear with Christ on this occasion. To answer this, may I suggest we keep our eyes upon Jesus. He is the reason these men were there, and he is…
Mark 9:3 There are several places in Scripture where God allows the natural authors of the Bible, being human, to attempt to explain something supernatural using human terms. We have to understand that this is how the Bible is written, divinely inspired, and through human authors. As a result, we see verses such as this…
Mark 9:2Jesus is not to be compared with others we have come to this planet by birth who have claimed greatness. He surpasses in so many ways. In this passage we see one of the most amazing things about Christ. The point at which he reveals the most of who he is, only 3 persons…