Mark 10:27Notice that Jesus doesn’t correct the disciples. They are thinking nobody can get saved if rich people can’t. Well, if the basis for salvation is anything other than the grace of God, then the answer is yes, nobody can get saved. And that is what Jesus wants his followers to understand.So, only by the…
Mark 10:26Well, the disciples got the implication of Christ’s words. But, they still failed to get the theology of it. They understood that Jesus was describing an impossibility. But they couldn’t get themselves out of traditional Jewish thinking. In their minds, if the rich couldn’t be saved, there was no hope for anyone! Heavenly Father,…
Mark 10:25Much conjecture has surrounded this verse. This is due to our attempts to understand the illustration Jesus gives here. Several have said that the ‘eye of a needle’ refers to a particular type of entrance. This would be a smaller one-person size entrance located near the main gate. The idea was that one could…
Mark 10:24Why the repitition? Well, the disciples had quite a bit of trouble with this teaching for one thing. But, also, Jesus was making a big deal out of it too. He really wanted them to get this. The Jews naturally thought that rich people were righteous becuase they assumed that God would not bless…
Mark 10:23This is a very significant teaching of Christ right here. It shows us that there will be many that never make it to heaven simply becuase of perceived comfort in this life.There is a great danger in thinking that we are safe. This is not to say that the Lord would have us life…
Mark 10:22Notice here the grief! You would think that grief would cause this young man to change his outlook. But this sorrow is not the kind to produce repentance. It is the ‘that’s too bad’ sorrow. There will be a whole multitude of persons in hell quite sorrowful for thier state, but too late to…
Mark 10:21The first bit of this verse is quite intriguing. Does this mean that Jesus loved this man more than others? No. But, what then does it mean? Well, the disciples knew Jesus fairly well, and they knew his mannerisms. Likely, they saw the look in Jesus’ eyes as he spoke with this man. They…
Mark 10:20This fellow was under the impression that he had kept the law. Now, we could be real hard on him here. But, given what he had likely been taught by the Jewish leaders, we can understand why he thought this possible. Indeed, in that society, this man’s prosperity alone would have been seen as…
Mark 10:19Jesus now tests this young man even further. He gives him an opportunity to examine his life in relation to the law. This is not to say that Jesus would consider the works of the law a reliable path to salvation. But, remember, the law is our schoolmaster. It brings us to an understanding…
Mark 10:18Many have pointed to this verse as evidence that Jesus did not claim to be God. This is based on a misunderstanding of Jewish theology. Jesus did not need to identify himself as God in order for it to be understood that he is indeed equal with God.The New Testament teaches that God is…