Category: Uncategorized

  • Mark 10:47

    Mark 10:47Bartimaeus said what he said in order to get Jesus’s attention. He wanted the crowd to understand who he was talking to, but more than that he wanted Jesus to understand that he did indeed believe that Jesus was who he said he was. Now, obviously Bartimaeus would have understood that Jesus already knew…

  • Mark 10:46

    Mark 10:46We don’t always get the names of those that Jesus heals. So, why do we get some of them? There are various reasons. For one thing, God used humans to write the Bible and allowed them to rely on their memory at times. The gospel writers would not have thought to record the name…

  • Mark 10:45

    Mark 10:45Jesus, who is the second person of the Trinity, came to this earth specifically to minister. His mission here was to give his life for us. If he  did that, we must also be servants to others as a servant of him. Heavenly Father, thank you for Christ! Without him we could have no…

  • Mark 10:44

    Mark 10:44The highest position in Christ is to be the place of greatest service. This world thinks of greatness in different terms because the world does not consider Almighty God. With the reality of God in the picture, service to him is the measure of greatness. And, the greatest service to him is to serve…

  • Mark 10:43

    Mark 10:43The great ones are ministers. Jesus changes the whole idea of leadership and greatness. The great will serve the lesser. Does this mean the leaders are just meant to cater to every whim of others? What exactly is in view here?2 Corinthians 4:5 gives us a clear answer on this. The great are to…

  • Mark 10:42

    Mark 10:42This is how it goes for most of the world. Now, in many cases, leaders will claim to be servants. But, without serving Christ, this is just an act for the benefit of constituents. Heavenly Father, thank you for giving us a better example in Christ. Your leading is so helpful because you don’t…

  • Mark 10:41

    Mark 10:41The ten heard it. Really? Who told them? Well, we don’t know, but the following verses would indicate that Jesus spilled the beans. Or, at least, he led the ten to find out from James and John.Now, their consternation is understandable, from a human point of view. But it was no more excusable than…

  • Mark 10:40

    Mark 10:40Jesus did not mean to say that he had no business discussing this, or that he had no part in the matter. But, within the Trinity there is some difference of roles. It would be wrong to say that God the Father came to earth to die for sinners. Yet, the Father is in…

  • Mark 10:39

    Mark 10:39Now we could easily say that James and John had absolutely no idea what they were talking about. But, I would advise against that. These men definitely had an inkling of what this would mean given they had at this point spent some years following the Lord. They understood some of the sacrifice that…

  • Mark 10:38

    Mark 10:38We generally don’t know exactly what we are asking for. We have trouble knowing what we want. This is because we don’t know everything. James and John knew that they wanted to throw in with Christ all the way. But at this time they were only thinking of the glory that might deserve, and…